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Guillotine Operator
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Everything posted by Jason

  1. lol, looks like they deleted this https://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:Jctj9nxMRIYJ:https://twitter.com/thehermancain/status/1278444266881273856%3Flang%3Den+&cd=4&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=us&client=firefox-b-1-d
  2. https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/2020/04/24/joe-biden-accused-trump-trying-delay-election-he-should-know-better/
  3. It's amazing how much the baseline availability has come up, now you can get Lagunitas in CVS, even grocery stores with crappy selections will probably have something decent enough (like Sierra Nevada)...you used to have to really know which stores randomly happened to carry what if you didn't have a solid craft beer store around and would get stuck with mostly just the Bud/Miller/Coors/Guinness/Newcastle kind of selection otherwise. Like I remember in college there was a specific grocery store you had to hit up if you wanted Ommegang. It's also amazing how much easier it is to get fresh IPA than it was back when Stone started by the Enjoy By series.
  4. 4 weeks, 8 office holidays, 10 days sick, some other PTO available too if you need them (e.g. jury duty). Only real gripe is we get no holidays between New Year's Day and Memorial Day--instead of following the federal holiday calendar we get the day after Thanksgiving and Christmas Eve (they'll flip it around to the 26th if the 25th is a Thursday). We get enough vacation days that I'd rather have a more consistent spread of long weekends throughout the year where everyone stops working (so the work isn't piling up while I'm away) and have to burn a couple of vacation days on stuff like day after Thanksgiving.
  5. ITT sbl is clearly doing his "I'm bored so I'm going to kill time by spinning everyone around in pointless circles" routine.
  6. Did Facebook Messenger do voice calls back when they bought Whatsapp?
  7. Cocaine is schedule 2 and the feds will still bust your ass for that. Just fucking deschedule it completely if you want to make it a purely state matter.
  8. Riley noted this in the OP too, but worth reemphasizing: If he were relocating the troops to Poland, which was what I remember originally reading about, it would have 1) made sense in terms of his fixation on the 2% thing since Poland is hitting that target and 2) actually made some strategic sense, given that one of the points of having troops in Europe is to make sure Russia doesn't get any ideas, and Poland is closer to that front than Germany is.
  9. The problem is he's not doing this in a thoughtful matter and is clearly doing this in a way that's intended to just piss off a key NATO ally.
  10. So instead of giving people something purely symbolic to get excited about...they're insisting on seeming like thumbing their noses at the progressive part of their base over nothing.
  11. The DNC: "we'd rather just keep fundraising on 'we're not the Republicans' than actually govern."
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