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Guillotine Operator
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Everything posted by Jason

  1. https://www.ign.com/articles/civilization-6-vi-android Full PC pricing seems a little steep, but you can download the vanilla game and get a 60 turn demo, which I appreciate since I can imagine playing Civ on a phone being a bit tedious so good to get a chance to try it before buying.
  2. SirRothwyn? We have an email address on file, I can't remember if @Emperor Diocletian II ever blasted out an email to everyone with a user account we salvaged letting them know what was up.
  3. Announced literally the same day as Trump announcing he's banning TikTok.
  4. I was trying to find something about what I remembered about the "natural born" thing not being 100% settled but instead I found this making a strong case that it was not an ambiguous term to the founding fathers.
  5. Over/under that Trump pressured them to give him something he could tout as an accomplishment to help his reelection campaign?
  6. Yawn, let me know when the useless old woman gets the House back in session for USPS oversight hearings.
  7. Awesome. We're not a swing state so presumably this is just to fuck with us since Trump hates California.
  8. I had something show up yesterday that said delivered by USPS that never showed up on Informed Delivery, yet I'm now 2 for 2 on packages this week that have gone from "out for delivery" to "available for pickup". So whatever the problem on my end is it's definitely about something local and not what state it's coming to me from--one AWOL package originated in New Mexico and the other originated in the same county I live in.
  9. From what I recall, there's some legitimate debate about whether "natural born" requires you to have been born within the United States, and that being a citizen at birth because at least one of your parents is a citizen is potentially distinct from being natural born.
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