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Guillotine Operator
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Everything posted by Jason

  1. Too bad the Republicans are rigging the elections to the point where killing their voter base won't matter.
  2. Maybe this only seems overly harsh because murdering someone with a motor vehicle is normally a get out of jail free card.
  3. Harder to bilk your flock to fund your private jet if they're on a Zoom call and nobody else can see them not stick money in the collections jar.
  4. lol it didn't even take 24 hours Sinema pops Democrats' filibuster trial balloon on voting rights - POLITICO WWW.POLITICO.COM The Arizona Democrat is not willing to entertain changes to the 60-vote threshold in order to pass elections reform, as some of her colleagues are discussing.
  5. One of the producers on Cuomo's show. CNN Fires Producer Over 'Deeply Disturbing' Federal Child Sex Charges WWW.INSIDEEDITION.COM Federal prosecutors allege that CNN senior producer John Griffin said online he had trained girls as young as 7 to be "sexually submissive."
  6. I've experienced this in the US too tbf. Last year they made me replace my surgical mask with their own smaller one that didn't fit as well. Earlier this year they at least just let me replace the surgical on top of my KF94 instead of making me ditch the KF94 too. Both times at medical facilities m
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