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Guillotine Operator
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Everything posted by Jason

  1. As you see in those vote totals Starbucks shops are relatively small headcount, so they're gonna be a a fuck of a lot easier to organize en masse than something like an Amazon warehouse. A relatively small number of people you need to convince and the people within a shop presumably all know each other.
  2. Here we go again : FlashTV OLD.REDDIT.COM Posted in r/FlashTV by u/Phantom7926 β€’ 9 points and 1 comment
  3. So like yeah, maybe we could have been a little nicer knowing what we know about him, but I think he was probably beyond our help by the time right before he quit and that being a little nicer wouldn't have mattered.
  4. People also don't generally go straight from 0 to 100 with this stuff, and the chud pill stuff tends to provide the trappings of community, it's how they hook people and keep them in. And his posts got progressively worse over several months. Seems likely that his abrupt quit was because he just went full time over to whichever chud community he was getting the shit he was posting from since "D1P just doesn't get me anymore the way you guys do".
  5. Not one of my proudest series of guesses (I was surprised the middle two are words). Wordle 304 4/6 β¬›πŸŸ¨πŸŸ¨β¬›πŸŸ¨ β¬›πŸŸ©πŸŸ¨πŸŸ©β¬› β¬›πŸŸ©β¬›πŸŸ©πŸŸ© 🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩
  6. He hasn't even logged onto the site since November 14. The problem with people going full chud brain like this is that even the kindest most gentlest disagreement is going to be taken as a pile-on by the person who's been chud pilled.
  7. Yeah I saw something that alluded to this earlier, that the filing heavily suggested he's been contemplating bankruptcy for a while. Seemed like it's basically the reverse of the Trump strategy, declare personal bankruptcy while offloading your assets into entities that won't be affected and aren't part of the judgment he's trying to avoid paying.
  8. I have a healthy supply but the ones I like are out of stock right now. Plenty of the black version but I found the fit isn't quite right, they're nominally the same thing in different colors but I think the outer material's a little stiffer.
  9. Wordle 303 3/6 πŸŸ¨πŸŸ¨β¬›β¬›β¬› β¬›β¬›πŸŸ©πŸŸ©πŸŸ© 🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩
  10. There comes a point where it's your fault that people stole $50k from you.
  11. The current mayor of my city, during a city council meeting, was complaining about pedestrians wear black at night or some stupid bullshit like that while sitting there openly volunteering that she keeps driving at night even though she can no longer see properly at night.
  12. Wordle 302 3/6 πŸŸ©β¬›β¬›β¬›πŸŸ© πŸŸ©πŸŸ©β¬›β¬›πŸŸ© 🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩
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