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Guillotine Operator
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Everything posted by Jason

  1. Thanks @cusideabelincoln @AbsolutSurgen @Spork3245, got that order placed, it'll work out to only $3 out of pocket for me. Now on to ordering the rest of the parts cuside curated for me, just wanted to make sure I had the GPU locked in before ordering the rest of the parts.
  2. Any meaningful difference between the PNY 4070 Super I originally linked to and this MSI one? Or is one of PNY or MSI just better than the other company in general? The PNY 12 GB 4070 Super I linked to in the OP went out of stock at Dell before I was able to order. @cusideabelincoln @AbsolutSurgen @Spork3245
  3. The icing on the cake is a lot of these porn bots will be a woman in a bikini and the profile name is a guy's name. I'm torn on if it's sheer laziness or if it's the spammer strategy of trying to screen for the people who won't notice massive red flags like that.
  4. lol I solved it in 0.5 guesses less than the average yet the fucking punk-ass bot is saying I was below average on both skill and luck
  5. I really didn't expect it to even take it as a valid guess and it wound up being the solution. Wordle 1,010 4/6* 🟨⬛⬛🟨⬛ 🟩⬛🟨⬛⬛ 🟩🟨🟨⬛⬛ 🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩
  6. Trump wins partial stay of fraud judgment, allowed to post $175 million - The Washington Post WWW.WASHINGTONPOST.COM An appeals court significantly lowered the amount of money Trump must put up as he appeals a civil fraud judgment from last month..
  7. Here, this article mentions it explicitly. https://www.vanityfair.com/news/lisa-murkowski-wont-rule-out-break-with-gop
  8. I assume the thought is she might caucus with the Democrats and not just label herself as an I while still caucusing with the GOP.
  9. lololololololololol Trump claims he has $500 million in cash, undercutting lawyers' claims on bond money WWW.NBCNEWS.COM The former president must post the bond for the full amount he owes Monday or New York Attorney General Letitia James could try to seize his bank accounts or properties.
  10. Users ditch Glassdoor, stunned by site adding real names without consent ARSTECHNICA.COM Anonymous review site Glassdoor now consults public sources to identify users.
  11. Embattled Sen. Bob Menendez announces he won’t run in Democratic primary, doesn’t rule out independent bid https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2024/03/21/bob-menendez-reelection-decision/
  12. I took my DSP shares with the intention of immediately selling during the frothy couple of hours you usually get right after an IPO starts trading.
  13. High was just shy of $57, I sold one at $54 and the rest at $55. I was trying to do all 20 at $54 but forgot to adjust the quantity on the first limit order, then did the other 19 for $55.
  14. I was eligible for the pre-IPO allocation and took 20 shares at $34, made $418. Could have made $20k if I'd maxed the allocation but I viewed it purely as gambling so no way in hell was I putting in $34k.
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