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Guillotine Operator
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Everything posted by Jason

  1. Your icon is barely visible on the black themes doe.
  2. https://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-saudi-nuclear/us-approved-secret-nuclear-power-work-for-saudi-arabia-idUSKCN1R82MG URANIUM ONE BENGHAZI
  3. https://arstechnica.com/gaming/2019/03/amazon-prime-now-includes-a-free-one-year-subscription-to-nintendo-switch-online/
  4. This is true. Everyone voting "leave" was voting for their own personal conception of "leave". They should have done it like the New Zealand flag referendum: have two referendums, with the first one being about "do you want to have a referendum about whether to stay in the EU?"
  5. Honestly, the only 100% clear improvement in ME2 was the squad handling mechanics. Everything else felt like a regression. Including the weird, unexplained in-universe technological regression of guns going from not requiring ammo to requiring ammo.
  6. The US is a democratic republic, the UK is a constitutional monarchy.
  7. That article links to this timeline of accusations...which leaves out the one that turned out to be some right-wing blogger (who calls Bill O'Reilly getting fired a "scalping") complaining that one time Franken was a jerk about making sure she knew she'd lost an argument with him. It seems like people forgot about it since it was such a huge nothingburger, but the fact that it was piled on so quickly after Tweeden's claim is an important part of understanding why it was so obviously a ratfuck. And speaking of ratfucks, I see the Atlantic article also leaves out the part where Roger Stone had advance knowledge of what was coming.
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