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Everything posted by brucoe

  1. Part of what worries me about the Ukrainian crisis is the constant criticisms of the Russian Army. While I don't disagree with any of the negative assessments, the net result is going to be that the stupid people in America will then start arguing for how the time is ripe for the US to confront Russia with our "superior" military. And before you know it, we'll back Russia into a corner where they end up launching missiles, and our worst nightmare will happen because people like Tucker Carlson will have more sway than four star generals.
  2. I once went undercover at Fort Leonard Wood in a basic training unit where my assignment dictated I was a noncomformist (always getting in trouble) and this one drill sergeant wanted to pick a fight with me SO BADLY because of my "attitude" and got so frustrated because I wouldn't throw a punch (which would then allow him to kick my ass legally). It's one of my biggest regrets because I never found out who would have won that fight, but even though I was at my physical peak back then, I suspect he would have held his own.
  3. He never leaves the house. Instead, he and the 30 Republicans who run Texas return to their pee tree dishes for the night until the new masculinity toxins can be fully absorbed into their systems.
  4. Paxton seems overly proud that this is the 29th time he is suing the Biden Administration. He may run on that fact alone.
  5. That was my fault. Burger King stops serving breakfast at 10:30am, so I had to get rid of that thing as quickly as possible or miss out on my ham, egg & cheese croissant.
  6. That's where I come out whenever the discussion is made. I have zero desire to use the N-word in any conversation. It's like white people want to use the word just to say it, but don't think through whether or not it's necessary, or even a good idea.
  7. None. I live in Texas and do not trust any of my fellow citizens to avoid going to the movies if they're infected.
  8. One of many articles. I was avoiding the news in the morning until I got to the dialysis center (which has Fox News running nonstop) and saw that we successfully raised another person to murder more Americans with firearms. So, I switched the channel to other news channels and saw that pretty much all of them were "celebrating" America by trying to predict how many Americans were murdered that morning.
  9. I'd recommend reading through the articles that get posted here. I know people like to snark on everyone else here, but the people who post here are pretty damn good at keeping up on international news without spinning it to be indecipherable. It used to be a lot harder to filter through the information back when it was a part of IGN, but since those days, it's much easier to follow the news on here. After a while, you get good at recognizing when people are pulling your chain so that much of the information you receive from here is pretty good at keeping up on topics. This is coming from someone with a doctorate in political science who deals with people every day who are clueless (in the university system) about politics but think they are experts because they read a book once or watched a documentary.
  10. If only there was some kind of precedence to avoid stuff like this, something like Marbury v Madison, which kind of gives the Supreme Court its complete justification for existing. But unfortunately, I just can't put my finger on a case like Marbury where something like this might have already been decided on the federal level and with those pesky amendments might also apply to state constitutions.
  11. So, one of my female friends on Facebook posted an update that says until men start legislating for women's rights, sex is completely off the table. So basically, her argument is that all men need to start doing stuff that women want or her current boyfriend, who is probably more Democrat than she is, gets none. That's gonna solve a lot.
  12. I had so much hope for Biden going forward, but these days, I find myself constantly disappointed by what he could do but just won't. He wants to play the dealmaker in an era where neither side is ever going to come to the table unless it's to do worthless legislation that allows them to pretend they're doing something.
  13. With all of the crappy news that's been coming out of the US lately, I kind of assumed this had already happened, and then just forgot she was nominated because the news cycles kept changing so much towards irrelevant crap.
  14. It may not have been as wild as we were expecting, but I suspect it was probably one of the best episodes of The Boys that has aired.
  15. Knowing the way Disney lawyers work, they're going to claim this as justification for why they don't have to pay Hayden Christensen for his acting because Darth Vader killed him in Episode 3, which means he can't actually be alive to collect a paycheck in a movie where he's not alive any longer. They're okay with paying James Earl Jones and David Prowse, but that's it. No freeloaders allowed per Disney v. Johansen.
  16. I still hold out the belief that somehow Jar Jar was responsible. I can't prove it, or even mathematically make it make any sense, but by god, HE WAS RESPONSIBLE somehow.
  17. There were a lot of interesting people who just wanted to make the world burn back then in the day. Keeping them from killing each other (metaphorically) was always a HUGE challenge as a moderator who moderated a lot behind the scenes.
  18. I kind of saw the same struggle that John Mellencamp was going through when he tried to shake off the John Cougar stage name that had been the beginning of his career.
  19. I went to school with Ramon and Emilio Estevez. Ramon was on the speech forensics team with me, and he did an informative topic on tap dancing (he actually did tap dancing as part of his speech). The only reason I found out he was Martin Sheen's son was one weekend for a speech trip, Ramon was running late, so his dad dropped him off with his Ferrari.
  20. I'm in Corpus Christi, which is in the middle of all of the major population centers, aside from Dallas.
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