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Everything posted by Air_Delivery

  1. Im hoping for at least a more relaxed summer after I get my Omicron booster. I'm prepared again to go into lockdown again after the inevitable new variant but hopefully it won't come until next winter.
  2. As much as I'd love crypto to die, its been declared dead every time there has been a significant dip.
  3. Generally but Trumps damage is pretty immediate. Trump could have saved hundreds of thousands of lives just by saying "Be a patriot wear a mask". The entire conservative anti mask anti vax stance stems from Trumps initial response of "COVID is just the flu" it will go away by April. Hell he even thought COVID was a good thing because it was ravaging blue states at the beginning and thus could be used for his advantage. His pandemic response alone deserves a bottom 3. Not to mention his handling of the 2020 George Floyd protests/riots (busting peaceful protestors to hold up a bible), his very real attempt to destroy democracy by overturning an election he lost. His leadership in the Jan 6 insurrection. Not to mention using his postion for grifting and extorting foreign leaders. His installing of 3 justices which will probably overturn Roe v Wade and do untold damage that will last decades. Trump has done so much that it is hard to keep track of it all. I forgot completely about the Helsinki summit and his response to Charlottesville. His market manipulation through Twitter. It just goes on and on.
  4. Trump should definately be included on that list. IMO Trump, Buchanan and Andrew Johnson are the 3 worst presidents by far. Before the pandemic I had it 1) Johnson 2) Buchanan 3) Trump After I have it 1) Johnson 2) Trump 3) Buchanan I have Johnson number 1 all time because the damage he caused with Reconstruction put us on the path that we are on today. I think what Buchanan did was worse at the time than Johnson but the lasting damage Johnson caused is what puts him over the top for me.
  5. Its interesting cause Jackson is still ranked 22 on the presidential rankings pretty much smack dab in the middle and one below H.W. I think Jackson was a monster but as far as damage to the US itself i'd argue Reagan was worse. The economic policies and union busting which are still popular in the GOP today have created such a wealth gap that it is destablizing our country. I'd argue that the rage and resentment that white working class Americans have which led to Trump and the insanity in the current GOP was primarily caused by Reagan. Of course racism played a major role but the loss of power of the white working class can be directly traced to Reagan.
  6. His response to AIDS (or lack there of) because it was percieved as a gay disease was genocide in spirit.
  7. Implicit threats are certainly illegal if the intent is to cause fear and a resonable person believes the threat is real and imminent.
  8. Is it really? This is exactly the kind of scandal that the UK public and by extention tabloids absoutely loves.
  9. Nah he doesn't have the charisma. Trump makes libs madder therefore he will beat him in a primary. Policy details aren't nearly as important.
  10. Nah we are way more unstable now than we have been since the 1800s. You can't count on us for anything because conservatives will smash any treaty or deal made by democrats when they get power. Also this Supreme Court is losing quickly the respect it once commanded with its partisan hackery.
  11. Immigration Minister Alex Hawke cancels Novak Djokovic's visa ahead of Australian Open - ABC News WWW.ABC.NET.AU The Serbian star's visa saga heads to court tonight after Immigration Minister Alex Hawke uses his ministerial powers to personally cancel Novak Djokovic's visa.
  12. A bad flu literally feels like you are dying. I hope she is exaggerating (or just forgets what a legit flu feels like)
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