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Everything posted by Air_Delivery

  1. I don't think anyone denys it. But its just more "but the West" of using history to excuse their current actions. He also neglects to mention the fact that Russia is basically a mafia state currently.
  2. I'd also add there are way way more right wing crazies and they actually embedded within the governnment.
  3. I dunno if you are using a debt card, but stop using a debt card. Also you should be able to put a password on your account.
  4. China likes stablity and they don't like how this is drawing attention to Taiwan. Sure they are happy to take advantage of the situation but overall I think they just want things to return to normal.
  5. They have threatened the nuclear option throughout the war so that isn't really anything new. Ukraine has already hit Crimea and Belgorod multiple times with no nuclear response. I'd imagine they would use chemical weapons before actually going nuclear because once you go there, there is no coming back. It risks NATO becoming directly involved because using nuclear weapons can't be normalized. China, Pakestan, North Korea have to be shown the consequences of going there. And they aren't attacking NATO cause thats just suicide and they know it.
  6. I don't see how moblization moves the needle. Maybe in a couple of years when they can ramp up production enough to offset their losses but even then they are going to have trouble gettting parts with the sanctions in place. Sending more poorly trained unwilling men over there isn't gonna solve anything. IMO this is just more meat to be thrown in to the meat grinder.
  7. Or when that Proud Boy owned the libs by sticking a dildo up his ass.
  8. Unfortunately your only two choices now a days are between democrats and crazy conspiracy christofascists.
  9. I love reading what you write. Your whining. Your victimization. Your assumed reality. LIke "democrats buring down cities" is a fact in your world. Or "unguarded borders". I live 3 miles from the border and thats simply untrue but you aren't interested in reality. Democrats consistantly condemmed the violence from the protests in 2020 and simply by the nature of these protests its unclear who exactly started the violence. Hell it has been proven in many of them there were far right instigators https://docs.house.gov/meetings/JU/JU00/20200610/110775/HHRG-116-JU00-20200610-SD019.pdf. Meanwhile the former president led the mob and many members of Congress prased the Jan 6 insurrection, downplayed it or simply lied about it. But none of these distinctions matter to you because it doesn't fit your cry baby narrative. You are uninterested in learning about transgenderism and instead prefer to misrepresent them. This pretty much applies to everything about you . Anything you can't honestly debate you misrepresent because you are incurious and willfully ignorant in an effort to protect your fragile alternate reality. For instance in a previous thread you said something about "cutting of the genitalia of 5 year olds". Now of course this is completely bullshit but you aren't interested acutally learning anything. You are sad little coward that can't come to grips that the people you hate aren't meekly sitting back and allowing themselves to be marginalized like in "the good ol days". I truly get enjoyment on how much rage that causes you and people like you.
  10. Hes the modern conservative in concentrated form. Willfully ignorant, incurious, stupid, arrogant, hateful, incoherent, conspiratorial. Conversing with him almost feels like a social experiment.
  11. A Rembrandt of a strawman if there ever was one! You have a gift.
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