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Everything posted by Joe

  1. He’s probably beside himself but that’s what he gets for ever supporting Trump.
  2. I think the most infuriating of those pardons is Charles Kushner. Disgusting.
  3. I’m SO fucking ready. Why would he have a bastard though?
  4. Justices Breyer and Souter reminisce on law school and High Court experience - Harvard Law Today | Harvard Law Today TODAY.LAW.HARVARD.EDU <p>At HLS Reunion Weekend last weekend, Justices Breyer and Souter (who retired from the court in 2009) exchanged good-humored banter and insights about their service on the nation’s highest court, in an event, “A Conversation with the Justices,” moderated by HLS Dean Martha Minow.</p>
  5. Ah ok, same as in Jersey. Just checking lol. Edit: I think if I couldn't go to a grocery store I would have a panic attack.
  6. SuperSpreader out here slingin’ curandero bs lmao. Did your Tia send you that remedy on WhatsApp? Jk I love you!
  7. TL:DR of my lay understanding of this: Nate is assuming that the vaccine is disease blocking and using those stats, but that conclusion has not been made yet. The vaccine could very well be infection blocking, which makes those differences far more negligible. Also, THE CDC HASN'T EVEN DECIDED ON THIS YET. They are voting on it right now actually:
  8. It’s actually worse than that. His arguments basically get destroyed by someone that worked on the report he is referencing. I’ll post it later. I still like Nate and Matty, but not a great look.
  9. Lol I almost posted that. I get the point he’s trying to make, but he is being WAY high and mighty about that shit.
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