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Everything posted by Joe

  1. Because they charge the restaurant predatory service fees. Up to 30% of the price of the order.
  2. Oh like you can't even call them without it? That's dotarded. DD is probably charging them 25% at a minimum.
  3. I was sad your election night thread was merged into this because it would have been an awesome separate thread. I'm just anti-mega threads I guess.
  4. Biden launches sales pitch for his defense secretary pick - The Washington Post WWW.WASHINGTONPOST.COM Biden on Wednesday introduced retired Gen. Lloyd J. Austin III, his pick for defense chief, launching his weeks-long pitch that Austin is the right choice despite the tradition of civilian leadership at the Pentagon. I honesty didn't know the waiver was a thing.
  5. Kinda BM. Sure bud, ok. Move on. This shit was constant here and I bet you this was the first time you saw those posts.
  6. I did literally 10 seconds of digging and found this. I rest my case. We can definitely move on! It was a stressful time, but this shit was constant around here and Spork isn't going to gaslight me into thinking it didn't happen.
  7. Nobody had discussed it for at least a week. It's still important to not misrepresent people's positions.
  8. I'm not going to dig and find the posts, but yes, it was said that he was probably going to steal the election, many times. I even posted a lurker's take on the situation that said as much. Nobody ever said it wasn't concerning or bad. You can keep saying that I said that, but I never did.
  9. I edited my posts because it was a little dickish. I apologize for that, but this is still a complete misrepresentation of what was said.
  10. Jason posted a quote that made fun of Nate Silver's take, which mirrored Fright's and my take. I posted what Nate had to say about that situation.
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