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Everything posted by Ricofoley

  1. Taking all the drop off boxes away didn't work. Greg Abbott's gonna have to invent some new voting obstacles in a hurry.
  2. Uh, yeah, the conspiracy theorists who believe that several prominent people have been secretly replaced by holograms are not gonna concern themselves too much with how ballot rules work.
  3. If you live in a blue state, you can no longer count on the federal government's help in a disaster until Trump is out of office
  4. I think patient zero is Chad Wolf, who is already serving illegally as head of the DHS.
  5. Good luck to everybody who interacts with this dude in person when he starts campaigning again in the next couple of days
  6. A big question is whether they're actually all gonna keep it outside this time or whether we're gonna see photos come out a week from now of people hanging out inside the White House with no masks again. We still don't know if the ACB spread was during the speech outside or whether it was during those indoor photo ops. Also, whether or not people actually keep their masks on.
  7. Getting back to the House stuff further up, as it shows, Dems could make a run at that Alaska seat, and something I didn't realize until I saw it pointed out a few days ago is that if they win Alaska then the GOP would no longer have a state-by-state advantage in delegations if we somehow got to the nightmare 269-269 electoral college scenario.
  8. "“I could be one of the diers" The Entire Presidency Is a Superspreading Event NYMAG.COM Down in the polls, high on steroids, and clinging to good health while endangering everyone else’s.
  9. He still looks fuckin' weird, and it seems like they're still caking on more of his makeup than usual, but he sounds better than that Hannity call last night.
  10. Also if the ACA gets destroyed after the election, everyone whose lungs are as fucked up as Trump's sure seem to be will likely be considered to have a preexisting condition.
  11. Can't help but notice that "it's not serious" is not immediately followed by "according to a doctor"
  12. Reading these Trump tweets tonight I'm more certain than ever before that absolutely zero of the tweets from his account over the weekend were actually written by him
  13. As far as Rudy goes, apparently he was at some sort of fundraiser tonight and there's a picture of him with no mask on.
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