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Everything posted by Ricofoley

  1. He's telling them to fuck off for now. He's gonna be one of the biggest targets of the entire right-wing media machine for the next month and a half now. I hope he knows what he's in for.
  2. What I'm thinking about a lot right now is the letter from the entire Republican party of Georgia to the Secretary of State telling him to resign, basically for allowing the Democrats to win the election. Apparently this guy has higher ambitions, and he wants to make a run for Governor at some point. Given this, how we can possibly trust that he's going to fairly oversee the January runoffs now given that the expectation from this own party is basically that he guarantees a Republican victory?
  3. Definitely seems like there was a slight but noticeable shift on the ol' Twitter timeline today from "This all just about stroking Trump's ego on his way out the door" towards "Okay, they might actually be doing a coup"
  4. Before he lost re-election Rahm was gonna let Elon Musk build a loop tunnel to O'Hare. It just came out in the past week or two that the Vegas Tunnel that Elon's building is only going to handle something like 20% of the capacity they'd promised
  5. I think I have more hope in the tell-all books that former Trump White House people are going to write then I do in Democratic leadership for that sort of thing.
  6. If you still care about such things, it sounds like Biden just got a really good batch of ballots in Arizona and that he probably has the state clinched now.
  7. Trying to remember that line from True Detective. Something like, "I can see into your soul from the corners of your eyes. It's corrosive, like acid."
  8. http://apnews.com//branding/apple-touch/ap-news-apple-touch-167.png Census takers say they were told to enter false information APNEWS.COM Two census takers told The Associated Press that their supervisors pressured them to enter false information into a computer system about homes they had not visited so they could close cases... Not sure if the Biden administration can fix this, but they'd better try given that it's going to affect redistricting & electoral vote numbers for each state
  9. It'd be nice to imagine Romney and Murkowski being on that list means that they'd be willing to cross over and vote with Dems on a couple of key votes, but that seems like too much to hope for.
  10. Kinda depends from state to state, I think, but for the most party Saturday seems to be pretty similar to weekdays but Sunday is way lower
  11. I'm not gonna pretend to have the answers to how, but long term we have to find a way to get rid of this absolutely dogshit system.
  12. If haters want to talk about how it's actually lasagna or whatever they can go ahead, but my take is that Chicago deep dish is good as hell, actually
  13. Would still be nice to get Arizona 100% confirmed, but I'm definitely glad I no longer have to read every post that's like "Latest batch from Yuma county goes 58% for Trump" and try and figure out what that means
  14. The centrist, half-measure policies will drive me insane again in time, but it's just gonna be so, so, nice to have a president who acts vaguely human again.
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