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Everything posted by Massdriver

  1. I’m not watching but y’all are sounding pretty positive. Go Joe!
  2. https://www.politico.com/news/2024/03/06/haley-trump-weakness-00145472
  3. There are more risks with that sort of thing than going Biden. I understand the concern, but it’s time to rally behind our boy.
  4. Thank you for what you’re doing! Fuck them and stay safe.
  5. I don’t believe it helps more than hurts Trump. But it’s not worth saying why because within 24 hours Haley will likely quit the race. If not, she will quit by the end of the month.
  6. I'm actually looking forward to checking Haley in about an hour. Fuck you Trump!
  7. I plan on voting Nikki tomorrow. I usually vote early but didn't make it.
  8. Supreme Court rules states can't kick Trump off ballot WWW.NBCNEWS.COM The decision swiftly ended the legal fight over whether states could bar Trump from their ballots based on the Constitution's 14th Amendment.
  9. Voters Doubt Biden’s Leadership and Favor Trump, Times/Siena Poll Finds - The New York Times WWW.NYTIMES.COM The share of voters who strongly disapprove of President Biden’s handling of his job has reached 47 percent, higher than in Times/Siena polls at any point in his presidency.
  10. I liked it, but no to the suggestion by some that this was on the level of season 1. This was 7/10 at best. A lot of issues, an odd ending, too much music, and an uneven feel. But it wasn’t awful and I’m with you guys on thinking she can make a great season.
  11. This is all pretty reasonable and I agree. I use IMDB coupled with RT. It is helpful on RT to skip through the review highlights to check the ratings from each critic to see the depth of a fresh or rotten review. For films RT has am average rating score that you could see by clicking the tomato’s similar to meta critic. I don’t play too much attention to RT audience scores since review bombs are too easy. IMDB is my go to coupled with RT and sometimes Metacritic. I also appreciate what everyone says here. Maybe I’ll check this show out eventually, but I’m no longer excited.
  12. Why the West is losing Ukraine – POLITICO WWW.POLITICO.EU U.S. Republicans blocking aid. European right-wingers pushing to abandon Kyiv. Ultra-cautious leaders. What is the West’s real strategy?
  13. With the mixed reception, I doubt I'm going to go watch this. My 52% RT prediction isn't far off.
  14. Yeah, sucks. There were earlier rumors that Intel was in the running, but looks like Microsoft just used them to negotiate a better deal with AMD. I would prefer Intel stay in the GPU game.
  15. I’m happy for Intel. I am hoping they somehow win the next Xbox contract to shake things up.
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