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Everything posted by Best

  1. I figured this mess out. With this version of Skyrim you have to get your mods through bethesda.net. I'm currently getting some killer ones now.
  2. I will take your word for it over some junkies in my college who went into detail how it's safe lol.
  3. I honestly think it's phenomenal that you workout and eat healthy @Ominous. I just read too many horror stories about running on concrete vs a treadmill. Regardless you're extremely fit and healthy so good on you. What do I know!
  4. If aided by a doctor they are harmless.
  5. This scene with him and Jerry makes me laugh out loud every time. Very short clip.
  6. @stepee Don't ask me how I afforded Skyrim Special edition but I did. But there is no workshop for it? I looked everywhere. Any idea how to find this?
  7. Tell that to the guy I worked with. 66 yrs old going on 145yrs. He spent his life running on concrete and running marathons etc. He litteraly has a walker and moves like a slug now. He told me many stories in how he completely regrets running like he did. His quality of life is awful.
  8. So help me understand the appeal of fighting games. You play and beat the story mode or whatever and then what? Play online? Back in the day having a fighting game was nice to have when friends came over. Now as adults do you rely on online to keep the game fresh?
  9. You're killing your joints. Keep it up!
  10. Its cold and we got 3 inches of snow last week. Nothing major in Eastern Pennsylvania.
  11. Nice job. Underdark is easy but once I got through it I wasn't at the correct level to start act 2. I got absolutely destroyed in the beginning of act 2 lol.
  12. I think ESO is not meant to be played on the deck. Its a mess loading it up and it froze. I will have to just delete it. My Elders Scrolls dreams are over lol.
  13. Well I'm downloading ESO. It's 114gb for Christ's sake. I need an Elders Scrolls fix lol. I'll delete Skyrim's folder tomorrow. 😤
  14. Skyrim is fried. Sucks because I was having a good time. I'm downloading ESO which I had years ago. So I wonder if this will work as well.
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