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Professor of Porn
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Everything posted by Bacon

  1. Half-Life if that counts. It was never appealing to me. Tomb Raider The Last of Us DMC Any mobile shit.
  2. I can when it is for something like dark souls where there isn't a plot or plot isn't the focus. Critiquing game design is far different than critiquing a story.
  3. When it comes to video game critique, yeah. Unless he is going around saying games sucks because of "alt-right reason" then it doesn't matter.
  4. Yeah, this is way too much marvel. Kills my interest in watching the movies since I'll be missing plot details. Instead of taking a break the just went extra hard.
  5. Oh. Yeah, I tend not to care what people's beliefs are when it comes to entertainment. I mean, the people who make the biggest games and biggest movies are often just as or more fucked.
  6. How so? Edit I have never heard of this guy until today and I only to watch the DS2 stuff. I see he has a lot of movie reviews on Star Wars and Marvel movies. If he is a pos for some opinion of those movies then I don't care.
  7. MAN I don't know how I never knew of this. 10 hours of putting down the only game where if it is your favorite in the series you are a person who can't be trusted.
  8. If they just upgraded it to DA:O combat I would be fine with that too. I enjoyed the combat in the other DA games as well which would work well with remake of KOTOR. But since it isn't being made by bioware who knows what we'll get. I hope they have a more robust character creator instead of picking a "canonical" main character. I mean, I always go with generic white guy with blue eyes when given the choice but the more options the better.
  9. In XIV there is a thing called Fashion Report and you get money(kinda) for lookin good. Well, this week's fashion report has players using an item that can be bought from vendors and sold on the market board. To take advantage of the lazy people I bought bunch of this item and listed it for double the retail price. It was going well until I was under cut. Now I had 40 of these things listed plus even more in my bags to sell later. Now, people have undercut me so much I am now selling them for barely 100 gil profit. These fuckers could have made bank if they just listed for the 5,555k gil I first put them up for. I don't know why they must undercut me. Now the market will be flooded with all of my items putting them at the top of the list. These fuckers will never see their items sold due to how much stock I bought.
  10. I mean, I thought GOW was pretty great as well, but the combat is just OK on a second replay. It is kinda dark souls-ish and I never get tired of Dark Souls. I usually beat a Dark Souls game 3-4 times back to back and I enjoy every second of it for the most part. With GOW I didn't get that. My attempt to replay left me bored in combat.
  11. Now make it so unvaxed fuckers are lowest priority at hospitals and get me my booster shot plz.
  12. For real tho, I hope the combat is better. I had tried to replay the previous one, but the combat really wasn't amazing. I love the story, but I wish the gameplay was as good as it. A first big step would to have more boss diversity.
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