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Everything posted by b_m_b_m_b_m

  1. "I can't imagine a racism happening!" She says after being appointed to her next and current job by the racist in chief
  2. Expand the court to 23 so these abhorrent views can't see the light of day
  3. The problem with abortion rights is they are in general, very popular...but so are some of the anti abortion restrictions that Republicans impose on them, like hospital admitting privileges which on balance does far more to restrict abortion than any sort of safety gained. Poll: Majority Want To Keep Abortion Legal, But They Also Want Restrictions WWW.NPR.ORG An NPR/PBS NewsHour/Marist survey found that three-quarters of Americans want the Supreme Court to uphold Roe v. Wade. But there is also complexity — and contradiction — in respondents'... But yeah, I can't imagine why women who get to have their agency taken away by wealthy, white, conservative, men (mostly) would take it well.
  4. The only explanation for him is he's a fucking sociopath. He's got dead dogs buried in his back yard I'm telling you
  5. Roberts won't be able to 5-4 his way into doing the right thing for the wrong reasons if Trump is reelected
  6. Biden should not be in close physical proximity to someone who less than two weeks ago had what appeared to be a pretty severe covid case, full stop
  7. Maybe don't do and say and support racist things/institutions/people and you won't get this label
  8. My step dad is from Michigan and him leaving was a net positive to the state IQ wise
  9. Michigan is full of dumbasses, can't wait for a Biden administration to not have Senate confirmed cabinet secretaries
  10. Who cares, this is all political theater which will have 0 impact on her confirmation, the optics are bad and given how it's the most salient issue of the election it might be worth making a bigger deal of.
  11. I'll never argue for democratic competence, but (That's senator whitehouse in his opening remarks) Could make good politics in this point, that Republicans continue to not take precautions w.r.t. covid
  12. He tested positive TEN days ago. Testing isn't perfect so he should be waiting out the whole 14 days since he had close contact with other known covid positive contacts anyway!
  13. i can't believe they're going with this bullshit excuse of why she apparently won't repeal the ACA in a few weeks. Actually I can, but it's just so transparently stupid.
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