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Everything posted by b_m_b_m_b_m

  1. Stewart constantly deflects criticism by saying he's just a comedian or whatever. Even in that crossfire appearance he did it. It's also how some people wrote off some of trump's worst comments as him just joking. It's a way to again deflect criticism and also mock/belittle the person criticizing even good, substantive critiques. May even be an in group signifier in some cases
  2. If you don't realize that political/topical comedy (and politics in general) is infotainment and always has been, then I don't know if you can really understand American politics in any meaningful way
  3. Just casually using Google maps on the boarder nearly every little road and town on the border has a border patrol office right on it so yeah you might be able to cross the street into one country or the other, you're not leaving that town without doing so
  4. There's like two small towns on the Quebec and maine border that applies to. Anywhere else you get harassed to death when coming back to the US. My wife's family is from Detroit and they used to go into Canada all the time with minimal hassle long ago but so much changed after 9/11 (you know, when this country went psycho)
  5. Not if you've got an anti 'communist'/Chinese axe to grind. I do agree though. The instinctive nature towards secrecy (which we have here, to a much lesser degree) looks bad even if it is just the standard state reaction to anything.
  6. an African swine fever virus pandemic in hogs may have had an influence on the transmission of a cross species covid precursor reaching Wuhan
  7. I can see the argument that there's no reliable way to get this information, but we could always just ask and record that information!
  8. The CDC isn't tracking (or at least not publishing) breakthrough cases which is a huge problem. They really should have been doing that and makes these discussions much more difficult. Another huge problem is the billions without a single dose who can catch and transmit far more effectively than a fully vaccinated individual can, and is also far more likely to get sick and die than the two dosed person. Everything said about the vaccinated unwittingly transmitting the virus more than applied to the unvaccinated. And it's not the vaccinated who are breaking health systems!
  9. What I'm seeing from some epidemiologists on twitter is this is something like selection bias. The most cautious people already are getting third shots (like you, for example) so they're already going to have less risk (don't go out as much, better/more consistent about wearing masks, fewer unmasked gatherings, etc)
  10. smh gonna let the right leaning courts gerrymander the legislature and congressional delegation
  11. What is happening to many in Afghanistan is tragic (and Biden's attitude regarding their sacrifice is terrible) but it is not an important country for the US to maintain an indefinite deployment. Sorry. And that the Taliban took over so quickly and relatively bloodlessly (compared to block by block civil war in the streets of Kandahar and Kabul, et al) is good for European security as there's less chance of widescale migrants like what you have/had seen out of Syria.
  12. Ukraine isn't an ally and neither was Afghanistan. Some of the people in these places had similar interests, and in the case of Afghanistan we need to get these people out, but they're not allies. That said, outside of Israel (lmao) there are basically no relationships with the US that can even somewhat be guaranteed to cross administrations
  13. Yeah. And that these boosters won't significantly change health outcomes in already vaccinated individuals means we're trying to squeeze water from a stone
  14. For every million third dose in non immunocompromised/high risk Americans can lead to thousands of deaths in the global south. We're extremely safe against hospitalization and death so the marginal utility of these doses on Americans just isn't worth it at this point based on data that I see.
  15. ceqa is one of the many ways that makes California so needlessly dumb
  16. I like the idea of a lawn, I hate mowing. It's the only part of my home I hate. I'm thinking next spring talking to my extension office and seeing what native plants I can put in cause this shit suuuuucks. Gonna keep the backyard grass though, that's where the dogs and kids play
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