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Everything posted by b_m_b_m_b_m

  1. Daughter got shot #1 today. Got ice cream to celebrate. Friend has a 1 year old with covid and looks miserable. Poor thing
  2. thank you merrick garland for protecting the civil liberties of those who would seek to overthrow the government
  3. I think the follow up to that is she invited him to a zoom call to 'continue the discussion' or some shit and he said what amounts to: "lol no"
  4. Local school board (of a city that Biden won by 65+%) revoked the ability of the school superintendent to punish teachers (suspension, termination, etc) and faculty if they agree to WEEKLY testing. But they say they're 'keeping the mandate'
  5. Don't make me do math. The energy required is ENORMOUS and this should only be entertained as a last ditch effort
  6. the catch, unsaid, is that it requires more energy in to create starch or any other complex carbohydrate than is generated by burning hydrocarbons to begin with. the enthalpy of combustion is highly favorable towards the production of heat and CO2 so unless they've discovered a very good catalyst it's a major energy sink. The whole situation would be easier to manage by simply not burning hydrocarbons in the first place but as i understand it that is generally off the table politically
  7. And Dr Oz And Dr Phil Come to think of it, is there anyone she platformed that wasn't complete shit?
  8. some unscrupulous small time colleges air ads about how when you sign up for their program you get a "free" laptop. This "college" would be the same, but for skull calipers
  9. cant comment on the ~$750 (if kids over 5 and income below a given threshold) of FREE GUBMINT MONEY but the price of milk going up $40/month to support your large adult children is worth the airtime on CNN
  10. iirc the cdc is concerned about side effects within a 6 month window which would be long term by any means
  11. yep. Injecting liquid co2 into oil wells is also what carbon capture and storage on coal and gas plants looks like lmao
  12. Get a platform Do or say something stupid to get "cancelled" Complain about getting cancelled Profit
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