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Everything posted by skillzdadirecta

  1. Peaceful protests yes. This wasn't a peaceful protest. It was an attempted coup and on the Nation's Capital and pipe bombs were found so... These were not protestors they were domestic terrorists. Let's not confuse the two.
  2. You're confusing incompetence with a deliberate CHOICE. For DECADES Law Enforcement and National Security agencies have said that the biggest threat to this country id domestic terrorism and right wing extemist groups. There was an FBI report that came out late last year saying that these groups have infilitrated law enforcement nationally. This country has CHOSEN to not do anything about it. Its a choice.
  3. No they aren't... not in any of the coverage I'm watching. Have you seen this happening? They've been specifically called opportunists on CNN.
  4. I remember when Trump became the Republican nominee and I said to a friend of mine that it was crazy that our next President could have had the stone olde stunner dropped on him and he didn't believe it until I showed him THIS
  5. Oh he IS... Trump has just been holed up watching TV all day and Tweeting. Pence is pretty much running shit by all accounts.
  6. Same here... I grew up in a fucked up neighborhood and have had more guns pointed at me then I care to admit. I'm GLAD I didn't have a gun then because I would have probably used it. That said, I'm ALL for repsonsible gun ownwership now even though I think our gun laws need to be overhauled. Its nice that some folks feel safe in their worlds without guns... cool. As a Black Man in this country, I think its borderline irresponsible to NOT be armed these days.
  7. That's the rationale they chose... but it wasn't true. The states that were subject to preclearance absolutely deserved to be subject to it.
  8. Supreme Court got rid of the pre-clearance provision... what can the Dems do with THIS court which is even MORE conservative than the one that got rid of the provision in the first place?
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