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Everything posted by SilentWorld

  1. The craziest thing IMO, and I think this about pretty much every scammer that gets caught, is why DIDN'T SHE HAVE AN EXIT PLAN? Like you're the CEO of (what was at the time) at multi-billion dollar company. Surely it would've been possible for her to embezzle a few million dollars and go on a "business trip" to like Barbados or something and never ever return.
  2. IDK. I'd say cowboy boots are pretty common around here for "actual farmers". It really sucks shoveling out a grain bin and getting your shoes full of seeds, also lace up footwear can be kinda dangerous around augers, PTO's and other rotating equipment. My warmest winter boots have have a boa lace which is good from a safety angle but doesn't prevent grain from getting in them. And IDK but I'm not gonna change my footwear to grab lunch lol. Imagine if HRC had picked Bernie as a running mate. Just imagine.
  3. Thats a scenario that I hadn’t thought of. We don’t really have major problems with coyotes around here. I can see how a semi auto would be beneficial with that.
  4. Bolt actions are more reliable and accurate than a semi auto. And in most jurisdictions you can’t use high capacity magazines for hunting anyway.
  5. It likely did happen as claimed. This all took place almost a year ago. It would be EXTREMELY obvious to the medical examiner if this didn’t go down as reported.
  6. That stuff all exists in Canada. Even without using an AR15 for hunting. In fact there’s a lot of Americans who come up here to hunt game. But they can’t use AR15’s.
  7. I don't understand the hate some people have for cowboy boots. If they're sized properly they're comfy as fuck, they make you look taller and they look cool (I guess the last one is debatable). edit: I never did get the point of cowboy hats though. In my experience almost no one in agriculture actually wears cowboy hats while working. Cattleman do wear cowboy hats to events but in the field they'll just wear a baseball cap. Grain farmers don't wear cowboy hats under any circumstance. That's from Canada though I'm not sure how it is in the USA.
  8. I don’t know about this video specifically but in Mexico and Tanzania/Kenya the news broadcasts were far more graphic than they are in the USA and Canada.
  9. Humans are curious. It’s part of what makes us human. In my case, I won’t watch that video because I’m far too neurotic and mentally unwell (I don’t even like watching movies with gratuitous violence anymore) but I can understand why someone would.
  10. Is there anyone on this board that’s actually said “I’d rather trump win than x person running for the nomination?”
  11. Darn. My hopes of an eventual sex tape are dashed! If I'm being serious though, her 15 minutes ran out a long time ago
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