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Everything posted by TUFKAK

  1. Again if any liberal or progressive didn’t learn from 16 then they deserve what they get.
  2. PAC that pays Trump’s legal bills gets priority over donations to RNC at upcoming high-dollar fundraiser | CNN Politics WWW.CNN.COM The joint fundraising agreement that Donald Trump has inked with the Republican National Committee and state parties first sends donors’ money to his campaign committee... lol And this is why I’m no longer participating in American politics.
  3. Ended up in the middle of a farmers protest here in Granada because of course I did 😂 imgur.com IMGUR.COM Discover the magic of the internet at Imgur, a community powered entertainment destination. Lift your spirits with funny jokes, trending memes...
  4. Oh gods, not me vines grew on a telephone pole therefore jeebus is real. I think I’d still go with Elon lol
  5. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=5uPoDNEn3I0&pp=ygURQW1lcmljYSBmdWNrIHllc2g%3D
  6. Pretty sure I’d find them on Grindr and they’d be way more in to me. Yes I’ve seen
  7. Spain is wild. absolutely beautiful women with mid at best guys, to my current moment drinking with a guy who must be cosplaying as an apostle. 😂
  8. Trump says he is ‘thinking in terms of’ backing 15-week federal abortion ban | CNN Politics WWW.CNN.COM Former President Donald Trump is “thinking in terms of” supporting a 15-week federal abortion ban, he said in an interview that aired Tuesday. but eggs are expensive
  9. Supporting counterterrorism operations is different than mobilization, not an indictment on the French soldier, I know their skillset, trained with some way back in the day (far better than Brits imo), but to say they’re as battle tested as US service members isn’t accurate and their ability to force project is worse than the UK. But if Russia kills French soldiers they have to respond, this is how wars start.
  10. France should be very careful, they’re not battle tested, their doctrine is outdated, despite Russian failures they are at least actively engaged and learning
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