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Everything posted by AbsolutSurgen

  1. Apparently my 11-year old doesn't know who Keanu Reeves is. He does need an introduction. If there is some way I can justify showing the Matrix or John Wick to him... Please let me know.
  2. Do Activision, Ubisoft, Microsoft, EA, Activision, Rockstar, Nintendo, or Sony make new games anymore?
  3. Apparently AA games and Indie games have discovered how to get their trailers noticed by gamers. Make a deal with Geoff Keighley!
  4. If this was TLDR for you. PS4 is mostly 720P, Pro is mostly 1080p. TAA causes artifacting. Frame rate dips in the 15-20 FPS range, along with stuttering, pauses and freezes. IQ turned down, and lower NPC/ car density. Technically there were crashes (some forcing a reboot of the console). They called it unacceptable and suggested people wait to play on current gen consoles.
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