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Everything posted by mclumber1

  1. WATCH LIVE: RT in Russia - BNO News BNONEWS.COM If a raw video feed is playing, click here instead. RT, formerly known as Russia Today, is a state-funded news organization in Russia. It provides live coverage of local and international news. Video not working? Click here to let us know. Latest updates from RT Tweets by RT
  2. Minster at this meeting: "The Javelin is not a defensive weapon" IDK, what is a person supposed to defend themselves with when facing a fucking tank?
  3. I mean, yeah...That's a smart political move by Putin! Plus, I'd imagine that very few ministers would publicly go against the inertia at this point. If they did, they might just accidentally fall out of their apartment window tomorrow!
  4. If you count his time as Prime Minister, Putin has been the leader of Russia for almost 24 years now. He's creeping up on Stalin (30 years) for longest serving leader of Russia/Soviet Union. Although I'm sure quite a few Czars were ruling Russia for a much longer time that Stalin.
  5. The Commissar beat me to it, lol. Is anyone else having difficulty fully displaying tweets? Even clicking on them within D1P causes the broken link image to appear.
  6. Good advice, even if the threat is remote. I just filled up my truck and our little gas can. I'll have my wife fill up her car later today. FWIW, I went to the Chevron down the street and I was the only one getting gas. I've pretty much stopped getting gas from Costco because it's always a circus. I'd imagine that if a cyber attack does materialize, it's going to be mayhem at pretty much every gas station.
  7. I would figure that there is an actual bureaucratic process to declassify actual paperwork, even when the President decrees it should happen. I'd imagine the process happens like this: 1. President: "I want XYZ declassified" 2. WH staff: "Yes sir" 3. WH staff gathers XYZ documents and the stamped classifications are modified to declassified, along with a paper trail that explains the order from the President. 4. Several days/weeks later, the documents are officially declassified, and used for whatever purpose the President intended.
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