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Everything posted by mclumber1

  1. 6 proven policies for reducing crime and violence without gun control By German Lopez It's solutions that are better used for street violence and not mass shooting, but it's a pretty good list of things we can do.
  2. The only person I've ever met online is my wife. We've been together for 13 years now.
  3. Turtles are quite hardy. He might live to be 200 years old!
  4. What insurance company is going to pay out after the commission of a crime? What exactly is the insurance going to accomplish except "gate keep" poor people from owning firearms? Firearms accidents are largely covered already under homeowners/renters, health, and life insurance policies.
  5. They should enact Senator Coburn's proposal from 2013. It would probably pass both house of Congress. The President might even sign it.
  6. Maybe you're doing it wrong? https://www.reddit.com/r/dontputyourdickinthat/
  7. Fucking Antifa probably. After the Governor of Texas told them to stay away from El Paso, they went to Dayton instead.
  8. MEXICANS aren't a race. Therefore, he wasn't a racist or a white nationalist. Checkmate libcucks.
  9. I found a low res jpg copy of it on reddit. Hard to read honestly because everything was pixelated .
  10. The Dems need to do everything they can to tie this guy's ideology and rhetoric to Trump. There are dozens, if not hundreds of public statements he has made about hispanic immigrants that can be used in campaign ads that will hammer home the fact that Trump's MAGA movement is in total sync with these terrorists.
  11. I'm not sure they are using the same counting system for all of these countries.
  12. Just read the manifesto. I don't see how Trump's GOP can deflect this. This guy's rhetoric is right in line with (current, under Trump) talking points about immigration. I'm glad they captured him alive.
  13. Is there a solid link between that manifesto upthread and this guy?
  14. I don't mean "mentally ill" in the same frame of reference as someone who is experiencing mental illness, so it's a poor choice of words on my part. There is something wrong with people who choose to do these things - whether it is a lack of morality, vengeance, little man syndrome, whatever - the point is something isn't working correctly in their minds to the point where they either don't realize the inherent evilness of their actions, or they think it is a right course of action.
  15. I'm sure Trump supporters will do everything they can (and fail) to distance themselves from this incident. But the facts are that his rhetoric is a prime motivator for mentally ill people like his.
  16. "No guns allowed" signs are enforced under criminal law in Texas. If a sign is posted on the front door of a business, and you have a gun, you will be prosecuted under state law. It's up to each business if they want to have a no gun policy though. https://www.compliancesigns.com/media/PDF/QA-TX-Weapons.pdf Link above is what the signs look like, and additional information on enforcement. I do not know if this Walmart was posted as a gun free zone, but I doubt it.
  17. Full article here I agree with the author of this piece. We allow candidates to discuss things they effectively have no control over. I think the debates would be better and more interesting if the moderators chose questions that the White House actually has control over. Pretty much everything they campaign on are actually the responsibility of Congress. This isn't a problem with just the Democratic candidates, GOP candidates engage in this as well.
  18. Why? If climate change is that bad and certain, there is no way we (America) can stop it. America could reduce it's carbon output 100%, but we account for something like 15% off world carbon output.
  19. Gabbard is gorgeous. Her and Buttigieg would make a good looking couple.
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