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Everything posted by mclumber1

  1. I think as long as the moderator and the audience hold Trump accountable, it will be worthwhile. Frankly, I'd rather watch the Trump town hall for this aspect alone.
  2. Fair enough. But at some point, the GOP leadership (sans Trump) have to realize that pushing through unpopular legislation or championing the overturning of popular legislation is going to be their downfall.
  3. No. Because ruling those programs as unconstitutional would cause a tidal wave of old people opposition to the Republican party.
  4. Overturning the ACA will be the best thing to happen to the Democrats in decades. It will give them the mandate to create a public option system at the least, and a single payer system at the most. Not overturning the ACA would mean there will be no progress in American healthcare for years to come.
  5. I'm considering making a candy dispenser. I'd sit up on the roof with a long piece of pipe or gutter, and when a trick or treater comes by, I slide the candy down the gutter to the kids below.
  6. On one hand, the court has frustratingly decided to not take up any gun control cases in the last few years. On the other hand, we'll likely have a conservative 6-3 majority on the court in the next few weeks, and it wouldn't surprise me at all if we see new federal gun control legislation because the Dems will likely control both houses of Congress and the Presidency.
  7. Will we look back after the election and see Trump's super spreader rallies as something that turns off people, or energizes his base? Because so far, they seem to be turning off people even more so than if he did no rallies at all.
  8. Durbin is doing well right now. There needs to be more pressing of ACB if the Democrats want a more effective hearing.
  9. Sure, but calling her a POS comes off as an attack on her character as a person. I'm sure you'd cry foul if I called Elena Kagan a twat (I won't, but just using her as an example). That comes off as an attack of her as a person, not her views or decisions, even if I'm basing my twat comment (hypothetical!) on her views and decisions.
  10. She seems like a nice person overall. You just don't like her politics.
  11. Listening to the NYT podcast this morning talking about her confirmation hearing, she did pretty well. I think the Democrats could have done more to discuss recusal of election related matters and the ethics of Trump's appointment of her. ACB was well prepared, and for the most part, seemed genuine.
  12. @Remarkableriots I think it's important to categorize Biden's behavior. Is it creepy? Yes. Would this behavior influence his presidency in any way? I'd lean towards "no". I'd also argue that you should take a look at each candidate's policies and positions and weigh which candidate you align with the most, and what direction you want to see the country head in the next few years. For me, I'll likely vote for Biden. Not necessarily because I agree with his positions, but he will at least put the country back into a normal trajectory from my point of view. And just because I'll vote for him, doesn't mean I will support him or his party long term. If he wins, come January 20th, I'll likely become one of this board's only crotchety old contrarians to almost everything Joe does and proposes.
  13. It's a common trope among Conservative circles that there are hundreds of thousands of late term abortions every year, simply because the mother doesn't want the child anymore. In reality, mid and late term abortions are carried out because the mother's life is threatened, or the viability of the pregnancy is super low. Explaining why these abortions need to remain accessible to all women is more important that just saying "my body, my choice". Yes, I know I'm only stating my opinion here.
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