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Everything posted by mclumber1

  1. My wife watching the news on Florida rally: "Trying to find someone in the crowd wearing a mask is like a game of Where's Waldo."
  2. We should get our ballots in the mail this week. It will be my wife's first time voting, which is super cool.
  3. Leahy speaking now. He's not being very persuasive. I think it's good to point out these people who may lose coverage if the ACA is overturned, but Leahy is the wrong person to tell their story.
  4. Mushmouth Grassley couldn't talk very well this morning for the ACB hearing.
  5. What's great is seeing all of these vulnerable GOP Senators squirm when asked if they support Donald Trump.
  6. We were having a civil debate at the end of work today. One of the guys I work with is all about herd immunity and isolating the old and sick. In response, another coworker said, "Yeah, but what happens when you (not caring about COVID) bring it home to your grandparents or relative with cancer? Aren't you worried that you are going to create a lot of orphans?" "There are a lot of orphans already" He responded. "I think we as society know how to take care of orphans."
  7. I think a good compromise would be the sitting members of SCOTUS nominate a new member when a vacancy occurs, and the Senate performs their usual advise and consent function as outlined in the Constitution. A caveat would be that the retiring/dying/whatever judge cannot nominate their own replacement, just the remaining judges.
  8. Biden will win, probably with a comfortable EV margin too. BUT Trump will try everything after the election sow doubt, and ultimately either have rogue electors cast ballots for him, or have the Supreme Court try to decide the election in his favor.
  9. Growing up, I had a particular kind of spaghetti sauce: 1 can of tomato paste 1 can of tomato sauce 1 pound of mild cheddar Melt the cheese in boiling water, add the tomato paste and sauce, sir until blended. Then add in chopped up bacon or hamburger. Spread on top of regular spaghetti noodles. My mom says she got the recipe from a girl from Wisconsin when she was in the army in the 70's. I didn't really have "normal" spaghetti until I was a grown up.
  10. To add, America has continued to use less and less coal. This isn't so much a Trump accomplishment (in fact, he's pushed for beautiful coal for years now) but it did happen under his presidency.
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