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Everything posted by MarSolo

  1. That sound you hear is Ben Shapiro crying as he tries to cut his wrists with a butter knife.
  2. A reporter is going to press him further on this and he’s going to somehow blame Obama for it. Make my words.
  3. Ahem, it is not racist to imply that just because Barak Obama is black, that he MAY have been from Africa.
  4. So basically I'm learning the government hires a bunch of pedos? You know, maybe the Catholic Church and the US Government can do an exchange program?
  5. Did they talk about the fact that John Wayne was actually a shitty actor and didn’t fight in World War II despite his tough guy image?
  6. Oh, there's definitely more than nine in Italy. Didn't they have a President that was having nightly orgies?
  7. I think Warren is the best person to go against Trump. She's going to be proposing all these ideas that could actually work, and Trump will be just "LOL POCAHONTAS WOUNDED KNEE!"
  8. This is either a hilarious joke or the best typo of all time.
  9. I do blame immigrants for some of my problems as well. I shouldn't lie. To be fair, that immigrant is my dad, and he's kind of a shitty human being until you give him a baby or a dog, then he turns into Santa.
  10. Tonight I learned @Dodger hates immigrants because they gave him a low credit score and a small penis. I live in a pretty heavily black area of Philadelphia. I’m like THE Italian in that neighborhood (therefore, probably the only user on this board that can safely say he actually has a 9” penis... because Sicilian).
  11. His brother-in-law is Jewish! He's allowed to say shekels! He can even tell him to hit the showers after a rough game of tennis.
  12. I'd say they're washing their hands of the Russia investigation... but as we all know, Pete Hegseth doesn't wash his hands of anything.
  13. I’m so pissed I never took those world’s smallest violin lessons, I’d be playing it for these morons right now.
  14. Wait, so the vet is a liar now? You know, at this point I'm not trusting veterans anymore between this guy, Bobbitt, and the guy with the Wall GoFundMe.
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