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Everything posted by MarSolo

  1. “Listen Jack, I’d like to think that maybe this country will be better after Donald Trump is dead. But the fact is, it’s going to be taken over by his idiotic daughter and his doofus son-in-law and the rest of his stupid family if he gets voted back in.”
  2. There is something humorous about Trump being shirtless and not Biden when Biden has been seen shirtless on the beach as recently as last summer.
  3. You really are though. You’ve claimed multiple times Biden has dementia and barely string together a sentence and that Trump was one of the best presidents this country ever had when it’s clearly false. I sound like a broken record here, but I keep saying things like the SOTU and the debates are important, especially for the Average Joe Voter.
  4. I hated it when I first started it, but then I tried playing it again before Rebirth released and it grew on me. Oh well, at least I’ve got it in the backlog now.
  5. This happened during the debate between him and Trump as well. (sorry, I know I keep referencing that debate, but it was a bigger deal than most people realize in hindsight)
  6. …no he didn’t. (I didn’t watch) But if they start hammering now LET’S FUCKING GO.
  7. Hindsight, Dems, and especially Biden, don’t really go after Trump and Republicans for their handling of Covid.
  8. Remember, this is the guy who also put a leash on Trump and dog walked him like he was Putin during their one and only debate.
  9. I’m pretty sure tonight he’s going to call out Republicans for the border deal getting axes because they bowed to Herr Trump.
  10. The only one I have any memory of is the most recent where he basically called out Republicans on their bullshit. But was that the same one that had MTG and Boebert screaming like hyenas in the aisles?
  11. Philly PD isn’t any better. People want to talk about the CRIME IN THE CITY, meanwhile I’m walking by a cop car with two cops asleep inside.
  12. Oh we’re totally getting that photo of her on the phones for him looking sad like Ted Cruz in 2016.
  13. Yeah, as long as she retires before the election the Dems have control of the Senate.
  14. Just left Kalm, now doing the grasslands region. It’s basically “what if FFXV was fun!” I’m enjoying it but I’m noticing weird light things occasionally and when I google it I’m getting technical questions and not “why am I occasionally see lights that look like they’re guiding me somewhere” or “random puffs of green lights coming from the ground”.
  15. Did anyone watch that Libs of TikTok lady interview? Yeah, she’s just a giant moron, and it’s a shame that she has so much power.
  16. I'm just cracking up at the idea that calling this movie "Superman" was somehow pissing on Christopher Reeve's grave. Was calling the Deadpool movie "Deadpool" pissing on Clint Eastwood's Dirty Harry because his last movie was called "The Dead Pool"?
  17. The trick is to have astigmatism in your lazy left eye like I do. Every visual is an adventure! One second you're having a normal experience, and then suddenly there's two Clouds on screen very briefly! Shut the fuck up.
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