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Everything posted by marioandsonic

  1. I just got the text that my grandfather passed away at about 1PM today. RIP grandpa
  2. An update on my situation: The hospice did allow immediate family members to see my grandfather yesterday. They also set it up so non-immediate family members or those that couldn't make the trip there could at least use Facetime or Zoom to see him. He was pretty unresponsive at this point...but at least we all got to see him one last time. And I was actually the one who suggested the Facetime solution, so my family was really happy with me, especially my parents, who are still waiting for their COVID-19 test results back. I don't expect him to make it to the end of the week, but there was a silver lining to all of this.
  3. So...my paternal grandfather has been in the hospital for the last few days. He's been dealing with dementia and Alzheimers for the last couple years, but lately it got so bad that he couldn't walk around anymore. At the hospital, he refused to eat anything, and even tried to pull the wires and cords out that were hooked up to him. The doctors told my family that they had to choose between giving him a feeding tube...or just make him comfortable and let him pass on. It was a very difficult decision, but my grandfather had said he wouldn't want to be kept alive like that in the past, so they chose the latter. What makes this all the more horrible is that due to the coronavirus restrictions, no one, not even my grandmother, can go in and say goodbye. And for one final slap in the face, he may pass away tomorrow...and tomorrow is my grandmother's birthday. Fuck this.
  4. Just found out someone from my dad's workplace (he works in construction) tested positive. Even worse, this person was working right next to my dad earlier that week. My dad blew up at two of his managers over it, because he has no idea what he will do on Monday. He and my mom will likely go into quarantine. Fun.
  5. This year is seriously starting to read like the ten plagues straight out of the Bible. What's next, the death of every first-born?
  6. First it was the stinkbugs, then it was the spotted lanternflys, and now this. Fuck.
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