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Everything posted by marioandsonic

  1. I just wanted to say I am so glad I went and adopted my cat back in November. He has been a bit annoying lately (maybe just because I'm stuck at home all day), but he's also the only in-person companionship I've had since this began. I'd probably have cracked by now if he wasn't here...
  2. So we're just going to be stuck living at home for the rest or our days? Fucking fun.
  3. I miss going to my local mall every Saturday for Smash Brothers tournaments. The NFL draft has been the only TV event that I've been looking forward to for over a month since all of the other sports have been cancelled.
  4. https://www.wgal.com/article/pennsylvania-coronavirus-daily-update/32220563 PA is going to start to try and gradually open up parts of the state starting May 8th on a county-by-county basis. A much better method than what Georgia and South Carolina are doing.
  5. I only have relatives that I can Zoom with. I try to go for at least one 1 walk a day, but it's expected to rain here for the next couple days.
  6. ...I don't know how much longer I can deal with this. I just want to go to the gym, and I want to get out of this stupid apartment. It's weird: I never saw myself as a social person, and I'm a huge introvert, but I so badly want to go out and see other people right now.
  7. I just want to know if I'll be allowed to take a vacation this summer. I like my apartment, but I'm so sick of being stuck here 24/7!
  8. According to it, PA should be able to ease restrictions by around Memorial Day. Just give me this, damn it!
  9. Oh God this thread really has gone on for 200 pages... I honestly can't wait to go back to work at the office.
  11. Serious question: do we know anything about her? Is she really just like her brother? I dont really follow NK news that much
  12. So a military coup? Oh boy, where's my popcorn?!
  13. Well, we know how this will go. Some federal judge will try to block this, Trump will throw a hissy fit on Twitter, and the SCOTUS will take his side, and this will give Trump precedent to say that any election results he doesn't agree with should be looked into and will blame the results on immigrants or COVID-19 or crab people or whatever, and the SCOTUS will side with him again, and then fuck it Trump will drop any pretext and name himself King Donald the First and declare his son his successor.
  14. So, since I think we can all assume that oil prices will rise again, how does one invest in oil?
  15. I don't really have a preference for brand. But my favorite overall ice cream flavor is mint chocolate chip.
  16. The nearest Shake Shack to me is near Philadelphia lol. There's at least some good local burger joints near me, but I also need to not take out too much during this, for both my wallet and my waistline.
  17. I'm going to be honest: one of the first places I wanted to visit after this quarantine was over was either a casino or a strip club. But then I realized those are probably the two worst places to visit during a pandemic, lol. So now...I have no idea what I would do. Jot that it matters, since we're all stuck for at least two more weeks, and probably longer.
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