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Everything posted by Oberon

  1. OMG Stone has a book that is about to be published and the judge ordered him and his lawyers to explain by monday why they never informed her about this book https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/judge-orders-roger-stone-to-explain-imminent-release-of-book-that-may-violate-gag-order/ar-BBUgQcu?ocid=spartandhp
  2. And while the police were there her dog started humping his dog in an aggressive manner (which he points and laughs about in the video)
  3. Blackmailing the richest man in the world when you have signed an immunity agreement from a litany of crimes, Like seriously how stupid do you have to be
  4. Blackmailing the richest man in the world when you have signed an immunity agreement from a litany of crimes, Like seriously how stupid do you have to be
  5. and this is a yes for me seriously the definition of a summer popcorn movie. can't wait
  6. i really hope pelosi keeps the sotu off the table until the funding is permanent. then when that happens just delay the sotu again and again
  7. Fees set by the bank themselves u less there is strong regulation to limit the amount that can be charged (as what happened in the us in 2009/2010)
  8. Neither of us are sold on kids, my wife particularly doesn't want to get pregnant because of her epilepsy and has always wanted to adopt so there's always that option
  9. I'm 34, my wife is 31. No plans on having kids anytime soon. Too expensive, too much household debt, wife has epilepsy which can also cause complications. Maybe kids in 4 years or so if we get finances under control
  10. They should have definitely ended the series when Michael left. Or rather they should have done the last 2 seasons differently When Michael was the manager his bosses we're rarely in the episodes and we're a good foil to Michael's shenanigans, but they still clearly showed Michael was the boss when he was in the office When they stupidly made Andy the manager they had Robert California in nearly every episode which undermines Andy being the manager completely and isntead makes Robert the boss.
  11. So Americans successfully sued North Korea for $500 million for Otto's death. Do the family of the kids get to sue USA now? Predecent has been set
  12. His lawyers must be hitting their heads against a wall. Has there ever been such an inept defendant before?
  13. Great ruling. Hopefully sets precedent that tallows us to challenge racist bigots when the spew their vitriol without worry about being charged for defending oneself from bigotted vitriol
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