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Everything posted by legend

  1. Not sure if this article was posted yet, but it regards memory and interviews Dr. Julia Shaw who cut her teeth doing research on how to implant memories in people and spends a lot of her time communicating why people should be skeptical of their memories. Despite that, she supports that the facts Dr. Ford claims to accurately recall are likely correct, while the facts Kavanaugh remembers are far more prone to memory failure. https://www.wired.co.uk/article/judge-brett-kavanaugh-dr-ford-senate-hearing
  2. The way he's handled himself in response to everything also makes it pretty clear that he's a terrible choice for a lifetime appointment to the highest court in the nation.
  3. Is there any reason to worry that some of the important witnesses would "just happen to be" unavailable for interview within the timeline?
  4. Okay, but that doesn't really answer my question Lots of man power/batches/etc. doesn't mean low latency. So if the conclusion is "they have low latency because they have lots of man power" I don't think that pushes through. If we know they have low latency for other reasons, fair enough. But that's what I'm asking.
  5. Is the FBI that agile? While I don't doubt they have a lot of manpower, I would expect that there is a startup cost for a new investigation, and I would think that would eat a few days on its own, irrespective of manpower. But, I know very little about how the FBI is managed and operates.
  6. I think I'd go mad in your situation and have to move. There's the argument that we need people like you in red states, but things are so insane right now that at some point your psychological health has to take precedence. Maybe Colorado? They have some more liberal areas and otherwise might have the kind of environment you like? (speculating, of course)
  7. But you see, that's exactly the problem! The PC would start using Xbox prompts and then I'd be internalizing the association between those button prompts and the pad I was holding. But then that's wrong! So when I switch back to a Switch game, I'll have to undo it. Right now I'm pretty sure my brain is only finally handling it because the controller I'm holding does the context switch for me.
  8. I think my context switching between Switch controller and Xbox controller button layouts, which is finally starting to be okay, would instantly break down if I started using my Switch controller with Steam
  9. I see plenty of scenarios, but I'm hesitant to say they're likely But I wasn't trying to say "if we win this, then we're good." Just that "if we win this, there is hope." That is, winning is consistent with getting out of this mess and until the midterms we should expect terrible outcomes simply because the GOP is in control.
  10. Maybe, just maybe, they would't have so much air time if our "leader" wasn't fucking pornstars and the silencing them constantly.
  11. Because the GOP has turned into a circus and they currently have control. The results of this midterm is kind of the deciding factor for whether to be hopeful or not.
  12. JFC I've missed so much! Fuck this fuck! What an amazing fucking douchebag of the most profound degree!
  13. I just threw up in my mouth. We've already moved past "he didn't do it!" to "so what if he did?!"
  14. Can someone tl;dr this for me regarding why they think this is under the FBI's jurisdiction?
  15. I use a 360 pad for conventional controller games. A steam controller for games that straddle the line or which have good steam controller support, and a KB/M when I need the precision.
  16. I think there are shockingly many women against abortion and reproductive rights When in doubt that a woman would hold a certain position, just remember that Ann Coulter exists. But yes, it would mean supporting and trusting a woman, which for some of the high-level GOP does seem like quite the hurdle.
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