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Everything posted by maddux4163

  1. Ok. So I’m now 30+ hours into this game. Playing on PC. I bought the game at launch 11.11.11 on Xbox 360. Aside from a couple quests, never played the main story. Also pulled a “GTA” and got lost doing my own thing. Now that I’ve decided to buckle down and go for the achievements (yep. I’m lame) I wanted to play the quest. So far it’s actually rather interesting and pretty good. I’ve met some really cool people and I’m obviously joining guilds along the way and such. Hell I’ve never bought a house until now. Wasn’t aware you even could. This game is more brilliant then even I figured. The characters are so charming and design of the different mines and caves etc are amazing. Obviously no one is going to come away from this game talking about the narrative. But it’s quite good. I’m happy that I’ve decided to see this game through after 8 years
  2. 980 is similar to my 1070 isn’t it? Or maybe mines a touch better. but yeah. No 4K for me. I’m a 1440p gamer for the past 5 years and it’s not changing. Not ready to buy a new monitor. I want a new GPU sometime, but with my CPU, it’d be asinine for me to not focus on that first
  3. Suggestions on the cheap? By cheap, I mean Hell no to some $600 crap. Looking at “usage” I’ll max games out with GPU hovering at 60% usage and CPU maxed. So yeah. Expected my bottleneck to be CPU
  4. What you working with now? And will the 2070 carry you through next gen?
  5. I feel honestly like 2021 will be upgrade year. Can’t see this card being curb stomped next year. My bottleneck feels more like CPU than GPU (i5 4670k). So maybe I should focus on that for 2020. Obviously my mobo will last another 5-7 years.
  6. I thought Craig closed his TV&Lust channel. He went through some pretty incredibly hard times from what I recall
  7. Meh. Bioshock 2 didn’t involve Kevin if I recall correctly and this studio has quite a nice portfolio. It’ll be a fun next gen game. Period.
  8. I feel that for sure. Bethesda is a QA nightmare and mods for their games are why people still play a majority of them on PC to this day. Me playing vanilla Skyrim on a gaming rig that’s a generation ahead of that game is odd when I can Mod it and make even just lifestyle fixes and tweaks. I am sure I will Mod Skyrim. But this is my first run on the “remastered” version ever. Played vanilla on Xbox 360/PC way back in the day. So I’ll at least finish the main quest and then use it as a complete sandbox and make my GPU crawl I’m sure. Although it’s not like I have the worlds greatest one anyways. GTX 1070 purchased from a board member on here. But truly I can Max out almost anything at 1440p. I’ve realized that’s enough. Until next gen starts, I’m good. So maybe next year or 2021 for me getting a new card I can never accept the fact I bought a GTX 780 ($699) and GTX 780 TI ($749) Back to back. God almighty
  9. I’m weird. As you know, I’m a huge PC gamer the past 5-6 years. I buy the latest and greatest hardware (not so much anymore as I realized there was NO point) but I’ve never modded a game ever and look at that as a sin for some reason Like it could break the game or mess up (albeit useless) steam achievements eh? No good reasons, but yeah. Never have modded anything. Never even overclocked any of my hardware EVER
  10. Cliff Racers were the bane of my existence. Also getting lost in Vivec city
  11. If you want to see what got me into this series. Read the introduction into the Morrowind instruction booklet. Ahhhhhhhh. So good. The essence of any Elder Scrolls role-playing game has always been simple: let you do what you want, and make sure you have fun doing it. Huge, detailed, and open-ended are words that frequently come up when talking about ARENA, DAGGERFALL, and now MORROWIND. We don’t believe a good role-playing game should restrict you from making choices, even if they’re bad ones. Go ahead and play a wizard that wears heavy armor. You can do it, but remember that it’s another skill to learn and might take time away from your magical studies. One of the first questions people usually ask us is, “What do I do in this game?” The answer we give is inevitably “Well, what do you want to do?” Do you want to be a noble knight or a treacherous swine? Do you want people to like you? Do you want people to loathe and fear you? Do you prefer casting spells, wielding swords, or both? Want to plunder dungeons and tombs? Rise to head of a guild? Gather information from everyone about everything? Whatever your interests, there’s plenty for you to do. One minute you may be gazing up at the moons and stars over the plains or out for a swim in the Sea of Ghosts, and running for your life from a cliff racer or slaughterfish the next. Any place in MORROWIND can quickly turn deadly. Vvardenfell, the setting for MORROWIND, is a culturally and geographically diverse place, dominated by the volcanic Red Mountain and surrounding wastelands. You’ll find the island’s population in a variety of different settlements, including small fishing villages with stick huts, strange towns where houses that look like large bug shells are used for housing, dwellings made of giant mushrooms grown by mages, and the majestic ancient city of Vivec. Everywhere you go you will find an assortment of do-gooders, scoundrels, eccentrics, and ordinary people just trying to make their way in the world. How you choose to interact with them is entirely up to you, and as a result you will find your gameplay experience may be completely different from anyone else’s. Trust whom you will, dispatch whomever you want, but be prepared for the consequences. MORROWIND is filled with things for you to do...hundreds and hundreds of things. During your efforts to complete the main quest or rise to power in a faction, don’t forget to leave the beaten path now and then to see what’s over the next ridge. Or, talk to people you meet to see what problems or assistance they may reveal to you. It is in these moments, and thousands of others like them, that you will forget the real world — sometimes for much longer than you intended—and lose yourself in ours. Perhaps it’ll be spent searching for a lost artifact that is rumored to be hidden in a tomb. Maybe you’ll choose a side in a war between rival guilds. No matter what your preference, there’s no right or wrong way to play MORROWIND. – The MORROWIND Team
  12. Side quests are super fun. Just met a random dude in Solitude. He wanted me to put out the fire on the light house so the boat would crash, we loot it and split the gold. So I did that, met up with him and he advised me to go meet his colleague to get my part of the loot Well it was a setup. I was being used. The loot was already moved out to a nearby cave. So I killed his Black bloods crew and went off in search of the cave to get my loot and revenge. The cave was loot heaven and I got my revenge. Almost left, but then read a journal that said the real loot was stashed under the sea in a master locked chest. Went and got it Pretty long quest with plot twists for a simple random side quest. Also, had I never read the captains journal, never would have gotten the main loot. it’s thing like that
  13. My baby will always be Morrowind. Put 300+ hours into it as a young 15 year old and had never seen anything like it. Drove 2 hours to find the strategy guide a book store (well had my mom drive me) because the game demanded it for me basically. For some reason Walmart and GameStop didn’t have the guide in my area. Some random book store we called had it. Ahhh. Those were the days.
  14. I’m dumb. Why? This game is almost a decade old and Todd Howard is a loser. but this game doe. Love ❤️
  15. Tell me how. I have An Asus Maximus VII MOBO which I bought years ago and it’s still over kill
  16. But. This isn’t your grandpa’s console launch. It’s “On Live”. It’s a service more than it is hardware. This will never ever replace local gaming for at minimum a decade.
  17. If it’s FTP with demos. Sure. Try it. Why not. But my main question, who is this for? It’s like there isn’t a market for people with high end internet connections who want to play “hardcore” games yet can’t afford a $199 Xbox one with game pass
  18. Eh. Re-read. I mentioned it will be FTP. But that’s 2020. That’s not the case this year. You MUST pay the $130+ $10 monthly. Just for the luxury of buying a game for $60 that you can get for 1/4th of that currently
  19. If it works. IF it’s reliable. IF it’s perfect. IF there’s no lag input. We still have a MAJOR pricing error. Anyone remember On Live? I do. I had It. It was garbage. I bought it as a young techie nerd with disposable income. You want me to pay $200 including the buy in and subscribing for 1 month just to stream a game? The fuck bro?!! Next year it’ll go FTP but I still have to pay FULL PRICE just to stream a game PSnow and Xcloud already have it better with their offer. no casual gamer is wanting to stream RDR2 on their iPhone. That’s ridiculous. No hardcore game would dream of that. So again, who’s this for?! This needs to at LEAST be a type of Netflix for games service to even have a shot at making people subscribe. Tough sell even then. No option to download makes this complete garbage. Once the servers close, your money means shit. If you are a casual gamer, you’re NOT the type with a super high end internet, unlimited data cap, throwing out $200 for 1 older title game and paying it monthly. That makes no sense. Budget gamers will buy a cheap console bundle and Xbox game pass/ PS now
  20. My thoughts. It’s done ALL wrong. I’m not some millionaire from Google, but the masses aren’t buying this. If I see that, how can’t they?
  21. If you say budget gamers no $130 buy in currently, plus $10 a month just for the luxury of paying FULL price for mainly older titles. Also, they better have an extremely high end internet and unlimited data cap Who is paying $200 just to STREAM RDR2? When the service goes tits up like Onlive did, you now own nothing. a casual gamer this isn’t for. A hardcore gamer already has a cheap console or a PC. What market is Google shooting for? Who asked for this?
  22. This is my thought. I have no issues and can max out like 90% of games at 1440p, slight bump down for others. But nothing worth me spending hundreds of dollars to fix. Guess my build will live on. truly think my CPU is the culprit on that anyhow Core I5 4670k (never overclocked)
  23. Bought this game at launch. Put maybe 40 hours into it ***************** SPOILERS********************** Stuck at the final boss. He has many forms and I feel like I’ve been 1-2 hits away from defeating him. I want to continue. I didnt see the endgame coming so fast. If I had known, I’d be a higher level and have plenty of ammo and weapons. I’m kinda bare bones. Guess I could Re load a save. But damn. Dude is brutal for me
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