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Everything posted by maddux4163

  1. I joined this board 1 FULL DAY before @Bacon its my word to use šŸ˜Ž
  2. For anyone curious I spent $40 on DS remastered and DS3 for PS4 physical copies good deals. Eat me if you donā€™t like it combined total BTW
  3. Wow. To my amazement. ā€œFacadeā€ is still talked about. I always dug itā€™s art style https://www.pcgamer.com/13-years-later-facades-groundbreaking-ai-lives-on-through-bad-youtube-jokes/
  4. Wtf kinda game is that shit? Lmao reminds me of an old freeware game called ā€œFacadeā€. Same art style anyhow
  5. Can totally understand if youā€™re someone who has time ā€œon the goā€. But at my job, whipping a switch out isnā€™t practical. I do not ride trains or subways or anything like that with that said. Iā€™m a handheld geek. Love em. But for me itā€™s not practical to play TW3 on the move. Iā€™d end up in my recliner with it, wondering why Iā€™m not playing in 4K on my TV
  6. Iā€™m all about cross saves. If they allowed it for PS4. That would almost be a win. But switch? Canā€™t imagine playing that at PS3/360 quality Also, thatā€™s not the type of game Iā€™d ever sit in bed and play. Cmon. Lol The idea is fantastic. Wish Sony and Microsoft did that
  7. My desktop doesnā€™t have Bluetooth to my knowledge. But Iā€™m trying to use Steam Link. So itā€™ll sync to my TV?
  8. My main question is, what does it sync over? Bluetooth?
  9. How would I know if I can? Why wouldnā€™t I be able to?
  10. My local GameStop appears to have them in stock. Weird thereā€™s a shortage on amazon. Christ. These systems have been out for 7 damn years
  11. Absolutely a 0% chance I run a cable like that šŸ˜‹ what controller should I buy? If I need a DS4 anyhow, maybe two birds one stone?!
  12. I pay for PSNOW. Mainly because now they allow you to download the PS4 games to your system and the older games are ā€œplayableā€ and have trophies. Meh. Itā€™s ok for $9 a month.
  13. For some odd reason I got to playing Shadow of the Tomb Raider on PS4 tonight and now I want The Nathan Drake Collection as itā€™s $20 ugh. I hate how my wallet treats me. But tbh actually enjoying Tomb Raider. Been years since I played the original reboot.
  14. Iā€™m cool on the Xbone. Forgot about that tbh How on earth would I connect a 360 pad to my computer upstairs and have it downstairs to play on? Run a 200ft cable? Lmao. Iā€™ll buy an Xbone pad. I used to have a system. Sold it a couple years ago and 99.9% of their games are already on PC
  15. Think maybe youā€™re right. But I prefer a 360 pad over anything. Maybe Iā€™ll buy a wireless on of em. Iā€™ll still test out the Steam link tonight. Just to see how it works! I def a new DS4. Itā€™s WORN in like an old baseball glove. Rubber coming off the joy sticks and all!
  16. Via what? Bluetooth? My PS4 lives on a plugged in cable. Itā€™s a launch controller and holds a 15 min charge at best. Lol
  17. Thatā€™s exactly what mine is. 27ā€ 1440p 60hz old battle tested monitor Iā€™ve had maybe 6 years
  18. Wouldnā€™t know how to act in front of a monitor that big. Iā€™d have to sit 10ft back hah
  19. Samsung 60ā€ 4K. Not sure the model. Itā€™s new though. I have The app downloaded too! Have not went upstairs to turn on my PC also, do I just Connect my Xbox 360 wired controller to my TV?
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