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Everything posted by maddux4163

  1. I want It myself. But the price to me is steep for what’s essentially a better running upscaled version of a mediocre game. (Fun... but average). For $20. I’d do it. Not $40.
  2. I seriously loved FC5. the kidnappings were the best part CULL THE HURD! Great Antagonist imo. I’ve been wanting to play New Dawn. 🤔
  3. Also, it’s a GOG game. I need to add that to my Steam library.
  4. I’m sure my TV has the app. If not I have Apple TV. So, will it tell me to go turn on my PC and shit and it remote plays?
  5. My router is fine and internet speeds are 200mbs. I even have an extender too! Not sure how that app works. But I’ll look into it.
  6. Nah. I can Play on my PC. Just wanted something on my downstairs PS4 and it was cheap. But, I’m sure it’d destroy me playing in 1080p at 30fps and looking last gen and all. Wouldn’t be worth it
  7. Imagine people playing the Switch version on their 4K tv 😋 compression CITY
  8. Played mine on GOG I did actually boot one of the expansions up. A couple of years ago. With my old save. I remember getting my ass handed to me and forgetting the basics of combat and such. It lost me. So after like 30 mins. I moved on. Haunts me still
  9. Yeah. I did around 120. But guess what? Never played the expansions!!! I bought both. But by the time they dropped, I had Moved onto other things. Think at the time, Fallout 4.
  10. I know right? Can’t tell you how many versions of Skyrim or console ports/remasters I own. Too many to count.
  11. Hmmm. The steam link app. Never thought of that or tried. How’s latency?
  12. Truth. My only reasoning it’s cheap and I can Leave my 25lb Hulk of a desktop upstairs. What a bitch to move that thing. I do have a TV upstairs. But not my new 4K one. Just wanted an excuse to get back into that game again mainly lol
  13. Better than having the Witcher 3 on PS4 I suppose. Least you’d buy something more useful. Like Taco Bell and beer
  14. Exactly my thoughts lol it was a stupid thought. I don’t even have a PS4 PRO. It’s standard. After blazing through this game on my PC 5 years ago, I’d be spoiled. Think I’ll look at maybe Yakuza or the Arkham collection is like $10 I think. Or maybe I’ll not spend anything and play the other 186227 games I own 😋
  15. Yeah. After thinking it over. It’s a useless purchase. I have It on PC. If it kills me enough I could Just drag my desktop down stairs. Meh. I’ll buy something else. You’re right.
  16. These are the expected responses. Damn you PS4!!!!!!!!!! I’ll wait on the remaster for PS5 in 2022 for console play 😋
  17. Ok. Bought this game 5 years ago on PC. Played it to death. Maybe 120 hours. Maxed out 1440p goodness. Fantastic game. One of the best RPG’s ever. But I see It’s $15 on PSN. Thought about a PS4 play through on the big screen Waste of money?
  18. In my life? I’ve absolutely sprung for a cheap digital copy of something I own 😋
  19. Hmmm. Good points. I suppose It’s hardly worth selling a DVD that comes with a digital copy. The only way around it would to make sure that disc can only work on 3 accounts or whatever. Registered. But then that kills used game sales
  20. Makes perfect sense to me. I’ve also wondered why we don’t. It’s the same thing. Keeps us from having to insert the disc every time.
  21. Negative. Never have. I’ve heard amazing things about Elite Dangerous though
  22. Is it bad I actually enjoyed No Man’s Sky even at launch? I’m a bit of a space nerd. The freedom of just flying around a galaxy and exploring planets amazed me. The surreal atmosphere of the planets and feeling of “aloneness” and ambient sounds were awesome. Also, it’s FAR better now, than at launch. So just my 2 cents.
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