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Everything posted by Kal-El814

  1. DeSantis looks like a possessed Madam Tussaud's wax statue that got stuck mid transition and needs to elected POTUS to become a real human boy.
  2. You're gonna get trucked by Death forever without super specific builds that you won't be able to unlock without going through the stages, just FYI
  3. It’s a completely fair point. I have most Rebel and Imp units in Legion because I like to paint and I get it on the table a few times a year but most army scale games that use an IP are expensive from both a financial and time POV. Legion has a skirmish mode which makes things more palatable but if you’re new to the hobby… my guess is that the Shatterpoint core box will be $100 - $125, a decent paint starter set from someone like Vallejo will be $35 plus a rattlecan to prime, $6 for plastic cement, and maybe something like $15 for a couple decent brushes? And that’ll be to play the game with whatever scatter terrain comes with it and supplementing it with household objects and the like. So you’re pushing $200 before you get a foam insert for the core box to transport the thing. It’s a lot. I will say, things like GWs contrast paints / Army Painter’s speed paints / Scale 75’s Instant Paints, and the upcoming Xpress paint from Vallejo can get work as one coat solutions on top of a primer for something around a tabletop standard. But they’re no less expensive than “normal” paints. It’s a bummer because there’s a lot of gatekeeping in the hobby just because of cost, but it’s really fun to move little plastic figs on a table and roll dice to murder them.
  4. My guess is that the boat is a pretty reliable way to give the player some agency in where they're going but also lets the writers know a minimal amount of time to get from A to B on critical path story bits so they know how long to let NPCs and Kratos blab. When you're on land there are generally shortcuts you could make or it's possible you'll clear puzzles on the first go. And in the first game you can't die on the boat so you don't have the GTA problem of dying mid mission and hearing the same shit over and over.
  5. The main thing I've noticed gameplay wise since I recently finished a re-play of the last GoW game is that I feel like a weak little figurine compared to my end game Kratos.
  6. Have you ever found yourself thinking, "hmm I have too much money and time on my hands!" Painting minis might be the hobby for you!
  7. What legal consequences has he ever faced for any of his shenanigans? Why would he bother doing anything other than what he wants to do at any given time?
  8. I didn't delete anything. I edited all referenced to my initial post based on best's comment. I didn't touch anything @Greatoneshere wrote. No idea what happened there.
  9. Never in a million years would I have considered this a spoiler, or I’d have marked it. Apologies. I’ll do that now. Right that’s it.
  10. Wade I need enough time between posts for a decent refractory period and a cigarette, you’re killing me.
  11. The house I bought a few years back has a very small one in the backyard. Maybe 18’ in diameter, only goes to about 5’ deep. Basically a big hot tub, but not hot. So it’s not good for actual swimming but it’s great to cool off in and because it’s so tiny the maintenance is easy and it heats up quickly in the spring and fall when the weather doesn’t do that naturally in New England.
  12. Our boy's had it rough, be sure you only pull out enough to win. Don't wanna show him up.
  13. Yeah, sorry. Said that in my initial post, just got lost in the quote train.
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