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Everything posted by Kal-El814

  1. Someone please cut cable access to 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. PLEASE.
  2. This is only a failure if you set revolution as the victory condition after the fact, which is Q fantasy land nonsense. Terrorists disrupted the electoral vote count and were in de facto control of the capitol building, meeting zero practical resistance along the way. Failure would have been them not getting into the building. John Hinkley Jr. successfully shot Reagan. That he failed to assassinate him is true but it misses the point. Reagan not dying was luck. Senators not getting liquidated during the occupation was luck.
  3. Again this is only a “failure” in hindsight. I refuse to accept that anyone would have honestly believed, on 05 Jan 2021, that chuds in cosplay could do what they did on 06 Jan 2021. What would have happened if they ran into Pelosi as she left the bathroom or something? That’s really not what’s happening here at all.
  4. I challenge the notion that it “failed.” They stormed the Capitol while encountering little to no resistance, effectively took the most meaningful and elected officials close to hostage. They didn’t have a real goal, but the lousy one they did have was generally accomplished.
  5. He doesn’t wanna be near the unwashed pools that will almost certainly be there in greater force than they were on the 6th.
  6. Him not doing this ASAP last night means he’s even dumber than I thought he was, which was a HIGH bar to clear.
  7. I don’t know what I want the police response to be when a significant number of our elected officials are gathered in one space... but it’s not this. I’m generally in favor of non-violent policing and I don’t want to see anyone get blown away, but it’s but by the grace of the gods I do not believe in that none of these chucklefucks had a bomb or got to a spot where they could, say, selectively liquidate Senators.
  8. Nothing matters. I hope everyone got into the market as early as possible, I haven’t seen profits like this since playing Dope Wars on my TI-85 in 1997.
  9. Now that Congress knows how people feel during school shootings maybe they’ll do something ab.. BWHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA I ALMOST GOT IT OUT
  10. Just do it already, you fucking cowards. Imagine being trusted with launch codes and not your Facebook account.
  11. Also I’ve been thinking a lot about Star Wars and have come to the conclusion that Darth Vader being redeemed for one good act after a lifetime of shitty ones is no longer unrealistic. Assuming Pence 25th Amendment’s Trump out of the building, he’ll absolutely be warmly remembered more for that than a lifetime of shit eating.
  12. IO Interactive had better update every Hitman level to just let 47 walk anywhere and do anything.
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