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Posts posted by JPDunks4

  1. On 9/18/2022 at 8:34 AM, BloodyHell said:

    Sure, maybe not THE problem  but she's the leader, and was responsible for for fixing whatever the real problems were. It's clear she wasn't capable of doing so. This isn't the first screw up she (her as the leader, not necessarily that she screwed it up) has on her resume. Halo 4 had a lot of problems  Halo 5 was extremely disliked for a bunch of reasons, and the MCC was a broken mess for years. At some point, someone else needs to be brought in to see if they can improve the situation. 


    I definitely don't think this is a bad thing. Theres no acceptable excuse for Infinite online still being a hollow experience. I really can't wait for Forge and split screen coop. 


    I don't disagree at all.  I personally think a shake up is very welcome at this point.  Just watched some people that were a part of the team Stream, and when people brought up Bonnie Ross needing to go, they were pretty adament about her actually being a positive at the studio, and not the issue.


    With a company the size of Microsoft, there can be plenty of other factors at play when it comes to the Halo IP.  Phil and Matt Booty seem to be hands off when it comes to a lot of aspects of the studios, but if they have business side people looking at numbers and forcing them to do certain things that maybe the studio would rather not do, like the move to F2P and moving unlockable cosmetics instead to the a Store and Battle Pass, that could have been out of 343 hands, and one of the biggest core issues with Halo Infinite. 


    The progression feels terrible now you have nothing but the challenges and Battle Pass to work towards.  And the Challenges largely make the game feel worse cause you are trying to do stuff you'd probably rather not do.

  2. 23 hours ago, skillzdadirecta said:

    The camera would definitely go wonky when fighting those Valkyries. I think I still have two of them left to beat. @JPDunks4 you beat the game recently. How many Valkyries did you beat?


    None.  I didn't enjoy the combat much at all in this game, with the camera being a pretty big part of it.  Just never clicked for me, maybe because I played it right after playing every Souls game and then Elden Ring back to back where I thought the combat and gameplay was brilliant. 


    I just ran straight through the main story stuff skipping all side content in this game to get it done.


    *Edit - I also started the game on the hardest difficulty available on my first playthrough, and played up until shortly after the Lake area opens up.  After being told numerous times that mode is more for a New Game+ type playthrough, and some areas later on would be damn near impossible, I restarted, which may have soured me a bit too on some of the experience.

    • Shocked 1
  3. This game was probably made because they saw what happened to Witcher 3 sales after The Witcher series hit netflix.  I think it spiked to the highest ever concurrent players on Steam, Xbox/PS and topped Sales charts for awhile, years after the game launched.  CD Project Red didn't sell some updated $60 full price version to take advantage of it, they sold whatever was out, probably a $20-$30 copy at the time.


    Sony figured, why sell the $20 Last of Us 2 Remastered when we could maybe get $70 per head that might come over.  If they offered some kind of upgrade path for currrent owners I could maybe understand, but to charge $70 for a game that has its multiplayer cut, is a step too far for what seems to be graphical  upgrades.


    I may eventually get it on a deep discount, but even then I doubt it as I don't have time to replay old games really.


  4. All the Forge leaks are making it look incredible.  It seems it'll be well worth the wait and a real potential game changer. 


    The biggest issue with a lot of those game creators was that the gameplay was mediocre.  Halos gameplay is top notch and creators will be able to create some really amazing stuff I imagine. 

    • Halal 1
  5. Have never played this yet.  I was still planning to play the original PS4 version, because the character change and what not.  Figured I'd experience the original vision of it.


    I think I own the Remaster on PS5 though.  Does the PS4 version have 60fps?  I don't care all that much about the other bells and whistles of the remaster.  Just want to make sure I play a 60fps version.

  6. 5 minutes ago, crispy4000 said:

    Would enemy/partner AI upgrades be considered QoL updates?


    I haven’t played either, so I can’t compare, but from the outside looking it doesn’t seem entirely black and white.


    Did they say if they’ve updated any of the in-game animations?


    Partner AI is more just immersion, as in the first game, they literally would be sneaking around in front of the enemies during stealth segments, and the enemies would just not see them.

    I think in the 2nd game, they actually got noticed and would trigger enemies.  Not sure if that'll be the case in this Remake, or if the partner AI will hide better, but stil be invisible.


    Enemy AI, I'd hope will improve the gameplay, but I never found the enemy AI in LoU2 to feel all that  different than any other game.  They always seemed to do the same patterns as any other cover/stealth shooter I played.  See a body, call backup, slowly approach body to be killed in the same way, see's a pile of 5 bodies, slowly walks up to pile to investigate.

  7. 9 hours ago, Commissar SFLUFAN said:


    Yup - playing on the PC and I'm pretty sure it doesn't have cross-platform.


    The solo play reminds me of the Vermintide games in that you can "theoretically" play solo, but you're gonna have a rough time of it! :p


    That game may have been my GotY whatever year it came out, I enjoyed it that much.  Definitely the type of game I really dig.  I also bought it on PC but never really put a lot of time into it on there, a few other friends never bought it like initially planned.

  8. 6 hours ago, Spork3245 said:


    Or if the game was just ~$40 instead of $70. It is running on a completely different engine despite no gameplay changes, much like the Halo 1 and Halo 2 updates/remakes/anniversary editions, so I wouldn't expect an upgrade path as it's not just updated assets like Uncharted 4, FF7:R, or Ghosts of Tsushima. 


    I agree a $40 price tag would have been better received.  They also cut out Factions so you're getting less content than the original game as well. 

  9. 6 hours ago, Bloodporne said:

    I don't buy that. The press release put WAY too much emphasis on implying it has expanded gameplay mechanics and so on. 


    If that is the case, it's a big fucking no-buy from me of course but still, I find that very hard to believe. 


    There is footage that has leaked, and the control scheme.  There is no dodge, which was a big part of the combat in LoU2.  No Prone.  And the combat animations looked identical to the original.


    I haven't played either enough to really know if its different or not, but the reaction on Twitter has been very negative, but what else is new.



    Watch this embedded Streamable video.


    • Guillotine 1
  10. 17 minutes ago, Phaseknox said:

    I’ve been waiting for this game for two years, and it’s finally coming out tomorrow but it’s Xbox exclusive. Since it’s an indie game I just assumed that it was going to be on all platforms, because it’s somewhat uncommon for indie games to be console exclusive. I know that there have been some console exclusive indie games, but they’re usually rare.


    Xbox is Publishing this, so I though it was always understood it'd be exclusive.


    Seems Xbox likes these types of projects for Game Pass.  They also published Tell Me Why with Dontnod.  Probably because they lend themselves to episodic releases which is good for Game Pass.

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