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Posts posted by JPDunks4

  1. I'm not a Harry Potter fan at all, but I've been loving the game.  It's the perfect RPG lite with such a charming world to explore.  And they make exploration worthwhile, which so many games get wrong.  The little puzzles aren't complex enough to be annoying, but fun enough to make you think just a little.  They are perfectly spaced out that you are constantly finding somethign to do.  The pace of progression is nice too, with new gameplay mechanics and systems being introduced very few Main Story mission.  I'm maybe 10-12 hours in, Lvl 20ish, and done all the side stuff I see.


    I haven't explored outside a ton yet, and just unlocked my Broom.  Game does just keep getting better and better as you unlock more mechanics.  Flying is a game changer too, being able to fly around Hogwarts is magical.


    The only minor cmplaint is the targeting during combat.  Most fights it doesn't matter a whole lot, but some enemies need to be hit by certain spells, and if you can't get the damn targeting to the right enemy, you end up wasting spells which can be problematic in more complex fights.  So far though the only fight that gave me any issue was on a side quest and I may just have been under leveled for that.


    Otherwise really enjoying just about everything else about the game.

    • Like 2
  2. Changing your forecasts and changing your production are 2 separate things that can both be true.


    I personally thought it would have a hard time moving simply due to the economic recessions we are seeing globally and it being a premium priced accessory.


    Add to the fact that there's no BC, that a lot of people that dove in on PSVR may have second thoughts about making that investment again.


    Still seems like a really solid product though that may sell due to some FOMO and word of mouth once it gets out though if some of the software delivers.

  3. Your weapons get upgraded as you play, and those are permanent upgrades.  So when you pick up any weapon, check the special perks/mods it has on it.  You will need to level up those mods the first time you pick up each weapons, ant he perks that roll on each weapon are random each time.


    The next time you play, if you unlocked the mods on the weapon, you wont have to unlock the same mod again if it happens to be on that specific weapon.


    Other than that, you also will get a few other permanent upgrades as you progress, but honeslty its been quite a while so I don't recall exactly what they were other than the big ones.

    • Halal 1
  4. Id guess part of the shift to completely focus on Multiplayer and Live Service is that is still at a standstill.  Even their in game shop hasn't had new content in months really, other than the few events they run.


    If Tatanka is releasing this year sometime, last time I saw it was rumored for potentially the summer, then they'd need that part of the game in a much better spot.  A good BR or newer more unique game mode would get people to come back to at least try the game, and if the multiplayer and progression systems are still in the shape they are in when thats almost ready, then it won't help keep long term players regardless of how good the mode is.


    Layoffs always suck, but I'd have to guess in the next year we are going to be seeing a lot of this across many industries.  It's only January.

  5. On 1/2/2023 at 8:53 AM, GameDadGrant said:

    I have only *just* now realized you can tell which player is going to reveal their cards first by looking at their name/avatar. If it is glowing, they will reveal cards first. Why is this never explained in-game?!?


    Whoever is currently winning goes first each round.  So there is some strategy to that as well for counters, or trying to avoid counters.

    • Halal 1
  6. Good way to put in in terms of fleshing out the different characters.  I played Witcher 3 so long ago that I honestly can't remember specifically what it had for side stuff as well, but just have memories of the feeling of playing the game having more meaningful side content.  


    I'll try to avoid the later spoilers until I wrap up the game. 


    I've fought maybe 3 of the Berserkers so far and they are fun fights.  Is there a way to get where they are to show up on your map or do you need to finish the game first?  I remember seeing a lot of their little graves around initially but don't remember where.


    Enemy variety is definitely better, and quite a few of the boss fights have been rather fun.  If it ends on a high which I think it probably will, definitely up there as a top game, but would have been an all time great for me if it just edited some of its content down to be a bit more focused.



  7. I'm like 35-40 hours into this, and it does feel like its 10 hours too long already.


    I told myself I was going to try to tackle most of the side content after reading people say the side missions in this are better than Witcher 3, but I've yet to play a single memorable side mission.  Maybe I missed it but I've done just about everything I could do in every area thus far.



    I'm at the area with the 2 Dragons now, killed one, flooded the river, and just started exploring again.  


    Been playing on 2nd to highest difficulty, and its been pretty easy so far.  I do like the combat far far more than the first game, it feels faster and more fluid. 



    Atreus sections have been a pretty big let down.  Using him is far less fun than Kratos, and the story just isn't compelling enough for me to care about his sections.  The one bright spot was the Giant Grandma you fight.


    Ive been enjoying the game for the most part, at least certain sections of the game.  I do feel pacing is pretty poor overall as its just too slow too often. It hits some highs and I hope its full speed ahead, then it just slows to a crawl again.


    Hoping to wrap it up before I leave for Xmas.

  8. I tried about 10-15 minutes worth, and while I wasn't overly intersted in the game, this demo killed any curiousness I had.  It felt like it could have some potential combat wise, but the world, art, graphics, combat, controls, just about everything, felt bland, and mediocre.


    It maybe cause I didn't put enough time in, but the movement and speed of combat seems to be the selling point, and it felt like i had to constantly freeze combat to select different spells which completely ruined that experience.  Watching XBobs clip, I guess you can switch spells with dpad maybe which would help, but as you get more diverse spells and more options, will that always be a choice?


    I can't imagine I'd pick this game up to play over the many others I have in my backlog waiting to be played.  Def not a $70 game.

    • Like 1
  9. 40 minutes ago, CitizenVectron said:




    Yeah, there are hidden bots at all levels, it sounds like. Basically, if it can't find you a match within 1-2 seconds then you get a bot.


    I've been playing this game the last few days (thanks to this thread!) and it's quite fun. The gameplay loop is quick and easy, and the game itself performs wonderfully. Main complaint is that it's clearly a massive grind (no surprise), so I'll probably drop it once progress slows down enough. I wish there was a way to play against a friend and set a collection level cap.


    Pretty sure they are working on unranked/friends list type stuff.


    It definitely needs it, because it sucks trying to test new decks and losing rank.

    • Halal 1
  10. I think it's bot matches til you hit like Lvl 30 which I think is Bronze.  I think it was a breeze for me until I hit like 50.


    There is a lot of RNG in the game, and building your deck.  Once you thit Tier 3 cards which is around Collection Lvl 450, you'll draw random cards from a very large pool of cards.  If you get the key cards that are game changers, it can make all the difference.  If you get unlucky it can be bit tricky to compete with a lot of the higher level combos.

  11. 6 minutes ago, sblfilms said:

    They have barely began their investigation, so I’m not sure this is an accurate claim


    Well the concessions the UK were asking for were Microsoft to guarantee CoD will be on PS beyond the 3 years they initially offered I believe.  I thought the EU expressed the sasme concerns in their initial responses.  I maybe wrong though, haven't really followed it just see comments on Twitter here and there.

  12. 6 minutes ago, crispy4000 said:


    Nintendo's not really a great example.  3rd parties abandon them altogether if their consoles (are poised to) underperform.

    If they weren't so stubborn / didn't have a hybrid machine in the cards, the Wii U could have been their Dreamcast.


    The argument the EU is making is Sony would struggle to compete without CoD.


    Nintendo is a perfect example of another player in the space that competes just fine without CoD.

  13. 34 minutes ago, Xbob42 said:

    While I understand that to be true just based on his seemingly limitless incompetence, would there really be zero anti-competition concerns about the CEO of Tesla just casually slurping up a massive public forum that serves up lots of ads? I feel like the EU gets really weirdly petty about Microsoft in particular and sometimes Apple, and I never hear about them going after anyone else.

    Also what the hell kind of anti-competition concerns are there about a company with a massively smaller marketshare in EU buying up a single company? There's a billion game companies, it's not like they're buying Sony outright or something. Even if they made CoD exclusive... so what? I seriously cannot fathom the one-sided logic besides "company buy other company bad" without any nuance beyond that, at least from the outside.


    Especially when Nintendo exists in the same space, has no Call of Duty or really much other support from Activision, and is still basically rocking and rolling.  Yet Sony losing support from Activision would be the nail in the coffin?


    It seems rather disingenious.

  14. 1 hour ago, The def star said:

    I've been having a blast messing around in Forge. I made a BTB map set around two carriers fighting over an asteroid field in Forge. Anyone interested in play testing it? Trying to get a full lobby going.




    Organize a night and let me know and I'll join.


    Just watched the vid very cool concept.  

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