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Everything posted by johnny

  1. Bro you hadnt even posted in this thread until right after me which I said YOU in my post. 99% of this board doesn’t fire back with vegan jokes if I bring it up
  2. I’m sorry talking about veganism offends you. I’ll make sure to not bring it up to you next ti-OH wait I didn’t
  3. I’d also like them preserved but it pales in comparison to human lives. At the end of the day it’s a building. There are more important things to worry about tbh. Maybe if there was more celebration of donations towards poverty it would in turn cause more people to care.
  4. Hot take: Preventing the suffering of people is more important than the Cathedral. Just because you can’t eradicate poverty doesn’t mean we shouldn’t do what we can. Unfortunately I don’t have the money to pay for either of them. But the rich people do, yet choose not to.
  5. I know somebody said a lot of aritifacts weren’t even in there but what about their paintings, sculptures, the organ, etc?
  6. I feel like everything goes out the window with a wight dragon
  7. Wonder what the reaction would be from the same U.S. people if an important building from, let’s say Islam, was on fire 🤔
  8. God trump is a fucking idiot. I’m waiting for his comment that American firefighters would have saved the cathedral.
  9. Shazam is definitely better than half of the MCU but saying it’s better than Ragnarok is heresy
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