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Everything posted by SaysWho?

  1. I do hope Biden is okay. NBC doctor is saying 6 feet may not be enough and AC mean air flow and shit going around.
  2. If none of mine are canceled, I can change the address on one of them if you'd like. EDIT: But you'd still have to pay me exactly what I paid. Nothing more, nothing less.
  3. Agreed. There was no reason to lock the thread that was started because the president getting COVID is a big story that warrants its own thread outside of general COVID news.
  4. Oh, speaking of Kimberly whatsherface, that story made me finally watch her RNC speech. It was spoken like a 6th grader trying way too hard to sound like they're making a speech.
  5. So in the past week. It's been shown that Trump is half a billion in debt and his businesses bled money. RGB died and it led to towering donations to Democrats. Trump tanked the debate. Trump's close assistant has COVID. I'm still wondering what, if any, October Surprise we're going to get. That Comey Letter was the ultimate one.
  6. Subway bread is not bread, Irish court rules | World news | The Guardian WWW.THEGUARDIAN.COM Judge finds that sugar content of US chain’s sandwiches exceeds stipulated limit and they should thus be classified as confectionery I didn't know the bread and a Big Mac bun had that much sugar in it. Huh.
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