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Everything posted by SaysWho?

  1. Gonna post this here and the full presidential thread. Like after the convention, Biden's favorability went up. What we can't know yet is if it's a stable change that remains this way weeks after.
  2. Probably, yeah. Or maybe even the end of this week. My guess is that it'll remain stable or edge up for Biden.
  3. I think donald really thinks he nailed his performance. I'm probably overthinking some things. Ex: Biden could barely get in a word edgewise with the court packing question but I don't think many people thought that as much as appreciating "will you shut up, man?" I really think that spoke to a lot of people, as obvious as it may sound, and it didn't matter much that he didn't get through his whole answer. I'm hoping the "silent" people (not caught by the polls) are the ones who heard that and thought it was overdue for someone to say it. One of my friends who's black didn't say much in 2016 and doesn't like Biden, but he made it a point to say something like, "Biden was combative sometimes, and Trump didn't condemn white supremacy. These transgressions are not equal to each other at all." My brother didn't vote the past two elections and is voting for Biden despite thinking he's going to win big. And my gf is in law enforcement but can't take four more years of this shit (and she has to deal with white supremacists all the time in her position). None are dyed in the wool Democrats but it's gotten to such an extreme point that they don't even feel safe under Trump. This is anecdotal so it's not a prediction. She tells me all the time she thinks most people think like this, and I'm always like, "It's not that I think you're illogical. I just REALLY hope you're right." So I continue to hope that these kinds of people I know are part of many.
  4. Also, I know there are few people who can debate like Obama, and I know McCain is a whole different debate opponent, but considering McCain's disdain for Obama at the time and the attacks he threw at him, Biden should probably call Obama for pointers on how to brush everything off.
  5. I thought the "You left me with 128 judges positions to fill" was an easy one to rebut, but at the same time, maybe Senate inside stuff doesn't really do as well as my political ass thinks.
  6. I always avoided them as well, but Dead Cells fucking rocked. Maybe I'll check out Hades once I'm done playing all the backlog shit. Zombi isn't rogue lite but it did remind me of them due to losing all your stuff when you die (and having a pretty good way to get your stuff back while still having a story to the game).
  7. The fact that we're getting what looks to be at least an AA version of Housemarque's arcade shooters is so, so, SOOOOOOOOOOO good. Have you played Zombi or Dead Cells? And what do you like about Hades?
  8. I've been seeing memes about game prices and I'm also befuddled why this is shocking to some gamers; I feel an increase in game prices has been discussed for ages considering the cost of development for games.
  9. It's not? https://www.bestbuy.com/site/searchpage.jsp?st=godfall&_dyncharset=UTF-8&_dynSessConf=&id=pcat17071&type=page&sc=Global&cp=1&nrp=&sp=&qp=&list=n&af=true&iht=y&usc=All+Categories&ks=960&keys=keys There are three editions, and the base game is $70.
  10. I'm actually nearly done watching it. What you saw is what most of the debate was. Honestly, one of the bread-and-butter moments for me that stood out was Trump attacking Biden's son, with Biden replying that it's not about his family or Trump's family but about American families, which Trump is incapable of talking about. Stuff like that is probably why Biden is polling well in the "relates to me" questions.
  11. Here's what I find even more interesting. CBS's poll was 48-41 a Biden win. And yet this stuck out to me (the second one):
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