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Everything posted by SaysWho?

  1. Biden's doing well. Trump is more subdued but some of the things, like saying a bunch of the people who died were expected to die, seemed detached.
  2. "Fauci might be a Democrat but that's okay"
  3. Let's see if Trump's attacks start to stick to Teflon Joe
  4. I heard on NPR that on the debate prep, they're making sure he's ready for that. We'll see.
  5. With trump releasing the video of his 60 minutes interview and saying he hopes Roe v Wade is killed, Biden has an opening. Mics can be muted. Let's go.
  6. Worst case scenario: This is the Democratic Party we know and love still playing by the old rules. Best case scenario: The media desperately wants to create a scandal for Biden to make this a horse race and this was an answer that gives them nothing.
  7. If Biden wins, I think we all remember from 2009 that the opposition can get crazier and things can be really frustrating. I think, however, this is a great reminder of those challenges should Biden prevail. "Hope is not blind optimism. Hope is not ignoring problems. Hope is believing in the face of difficulty, that we can overcome and get a better world." "I never expected progress to move directly in a straight line. You look at the history of this country, you make progress and then there's some backpedaling and backlash. And you consolidate some victories, and then there's some slippage, and then there's a renewed surge of energy, and then you make some more progress and then there's a little bit of back steppage, and then you push again." I think the latter quote is most important. There were a lot of Democratic losses last decade, and 2016 seemed like the culmination of it all. But despite that, Democrats could win at the "right" time (census time) to undo so much of the insane gerrymandering Republicans pulled off. So regardless as to what happens in 2021/2022, Democratic wins this year would be helpful for the entirety of the 2020s. SCOTUS sucks right now, but having judges placed throughout the country who aren't far-right Republicans would be progress, and it would still be good to replace Breyer. What Democrats do with the power remain to be seen (please spare me the "LOL NOTHING THEY'RE GONNA LICK LOBSTERS), but I firmly believe the ACA fundamentally changed the conversation from, "Should we even be doing this," to, "What exactly are you going to replace the ACA with? Are people with preexisting conditions going to be covered? Are people still going to be able to stay on a family insurance until 26 so they can focus their finances on college and/or getting set in their new life?" And it helped me in between jobs since COBRA was so prohibitively expensive. If Biden wins, people are still going to be frustrated at plenty of things because that never ends and we're not where we want to be. But at least the debate could be, "What should we aim for?" instead of, "How do we stop this stupid shit?" And perhaps we'll continue to see progressives surprise in primaries over the next two years. First thing's first: Biden and Democrats have to win. Don't care that they're objectively in a good spot; the Senate isn't a done deal, and I don't know what is going to happen for the next 12 days. Then we go from there.
  8. Reading more about Indiana's race, ugh, if Biden wins, is this going to be the 2020s Tea Party going nuts about masks for as long as COVID is around? The debt will magically be a problem again similar to when Obama stepped into office?
  9. I'm confused. The Republican incumbent looks to be leading big there?
  10. Yup. http://www.abcactionnews.com//favicon-16x16.png 2 armed guards hired by Trump campaign set up tent at St. Pete voting location, Pinellas SOE says WWW.ABCACTIONNEWS.COM Two armed guards who were hired by the Trump campaign were in downtown St. Pete at the early voting location, the Pinellas Supervisor of Elections said.
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