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Everything posted by SaysWho?

  1. Ehhhh, you mean Republicanism. They were denying this in 2012. UnskewedPolls.com, remember? The good job numbers were fake/fixed. Romney yard signs and rallies.
  2. I do think it's a good reminder that taking part in democracy is not just an election year thing. I hope people are willing to fight for ideas during a possible Biden presidency and not just in opposition to a possible Trump 2nd term. I do wonder what new Republican "stars" appear the next few years. It was nice when Obama's first term began and nobody knew who Scott Walker, Rick Scott, Marco Rubio, Rand Paul, Chris Christie, Ron Johnson, Ted Cruz, Herman Cain, Ben Carson, and Rick Perry were.
  3. Not disappointed. But expected. Everyone's worried about so many things, but should Biden win, I'm more concerned how stupid the opposition to him will get and if they're gonna begin with compromised center-right positions. I already naively thought once that maybe Republicans would change course, but that was in 2008/2009 that I thought this and the rest is history. It would be nice to shake up Democratic leadership, though. And balance the judges nationwide. I think for their long-term health, a criminal justice bill and a DREAM Act would help solidify the base considering young African-Americans are Democratic but not to the same extent as older African-Americans. And at this point, since he's running on a public option, they really do need to pass a public option and nothing less than that. He might fall short on all of that, or maybe he'll surprise people.
  4. That man asked a great question. If you didn't hear, it was along the lines of, "You said Trump's response to Charlottesville convinced you to run. That's a feeling I'm sure hasn't gone away. Hypothetically, if you lose, how will you work with Trump to address white supremacy?" I'm really blanking on the exact question, but I think that's a REALLY good one he may not get asked much.
  5. I'm laughing at that woman in the distance behind Trump that nods at everything he says and shakes her head at everything Savannah says.
  6. Looks like Biden not being "a fan" of court packing doesn't mean he won't do it. He says it'll be determined by how this turns out.
  7. Trump was asked if he took a test the morning of the debate. "Maybe I didn't. Maybe I didn't. But I take a lot of tests."
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