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Everything posted by SaysWho?

  1. FYI: I see people saying to watch for the Marquette poll later at 12:15 Central. Apparently a really good poll for Wisconsin and will give a good comparison point.
  2. I think it's because the MoE for both could still give Trump a win if all swung both ways toward him. But he's been polling above 50% in Michigan for a while, and this is all post debate. Honestly, I thought Wisconsin would be tighter than Michigan, but what do I know?!
  3. This will probably make it easier for Democrats to retain the seat.
  4. These people have a good track record. This is where Carter opened his 1976 campaign as well, being a Georgia boy.
  5. Tweet with FL money was deleted. Still seems like they needed RNC to do it, and RNC is stretching resources.
  6. lololol Fox News COVID Infection Sends Election Plans Into ‘Chaos’ NEWS.YAHOO.COM Fox News has been planning its election night coverage for weeks, prepping staff and on-air talent for the biggest news night of the year. But now Fox faces uncertainty after the network’s president and many of its key on-air stars may have been exposed to COVID-19.“Everyone is in a panic about election
  7. Dems remain ahead of their 2016 numbers in Nevada: Worth clicking the link and reading the analysis. Also: Iowa and Georgia are tiiiiiight.
  8. Control Of Redistricting Is Up For Grabs In 2020. Here Are The Races To Watch. | FiveThirtyEight FIVETHIRTYEIGHT.COM Most of the attention on the 2020 election is focused on who will sit in the White House for the next four years. But the 2020 election could also help decide w…
  9. Also, two of those "legitimately elected" Senators were appointed, not elected, but he's not that bright.
  10. Some good numbers this morning: For Nevada, though, I always trust Jon Ralston. He's more accurate than the polls because he looks deep into the people who have voted so far and really understands the state. He predicted a blue wave in Nevada, which happened based on the numbers.
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