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Everything posted by SaysWho?

  1. George Stephanopoulos just showed a video of them breaking the windows into the Capitol and said something like, "This is not Belarus. That's the US Capitol."
  2. If the developer is selling their shares, it makes sense to purchase them in this case so they can continue to make high-selling products based on their intellectual property. In Insomniac's case, they indeed worked closely with Sony for over 20 years, but we also have to remember that they experimented by themselves last gen as well. They worked with Microsoft on Sunset Overdrive. They released Song of the Deep and mobile games, they released two VR games in conjunction with Oculus. It makes sense for Sony to have a studio that can make well-received VR games for their PSVR system, a studio that can make a mega-million seller in Spider-Man (which did not sell this well when it was multiplatform), and to have another studio under its belt that can stagger big releases such as Naughty Dog, Sucker Punch, Santa Monica, Guerrilla, and now Bend. And for the price they bought Insomniac, it was a steal.
  3. And some "patriots" called him a traitor on a plane. Some in the comments section didn't like this tactic because it was too leftist
  4. Stacey Abrams looked at the Georgia Republican Party and was like
  5. Two criminals being kicked out of the Senate and one out of the White House would make Jan 2021 epic.
  6. His base is irrelevant. The whole point of a base is to have a base of support that you build on; they’re not going anywhere. On the other hand, there are 81 million reasons why people were sick of him. His approval ratings were relatively stable. That means that a lot of people wanted him gone back then, and a lot of people were part of a cult. Unfortunately for the latter, they were significantly more people who want him gone forever than not. The fact that there is no difference between early March and early November is evidence of this. He did nothing during the pandemic to convince most of America he deserved to be in the White House.
  7. Biden was soaring way ahead of Bernie before this whole virus/lockdown thing started, so Biden was going to be our nominee, and his "return to normal" thing obviously connected with Democrats. As far as the election, Trump was as popular on Election Day as he was prior to the pandemic. And I don't mean personal popularity; I mean approval ratings. There's not much difference at all between March and November. When we talk about how the election would have gone had the virus not been a thing, we begin with a faulty premise. The premise should be, "If Trump was halfway competent, would he have won?" New Zealand's prime minister won reelection in a landslide. And his approval rating went up somewhat in late March when the lockdowns began. What killed him wasn't the virus; it was the fact that he did as good a job handling the pandemic as he did everything else in his presidency. Meaning he sucked and people were tired of listening to his voice anyway.
  8. Biden says electing Georgia's Ossoff and Warnock would lead to $2,000 stimulus checks WWW.CNN.COM President-elect Joe Biden said electing Democrats Jon Ossoff and Rev. Raphael Warnock in Tuesday's runoff elections would end the gridlock in Washington and allow a Democrat-controlled Senate to provide $2,000 stimulus checks to Americans.
  9. Help me out on the sticky party because I'm unfamiliar with that lol. I've used the bow; don't get me wrong. Especially on the Blue Dragon, at least the first half of that. But I'm usually stationary so I never implemented it in normal battle.
  10. I took them down with one hit via Soul Ray/Fireball, though Soul Ray is better for them. The thing is, I think arrows go further than ranged magic attacks, so combine that with thief ring and they may not even see you on time. I haven't tried it. I farmed the shit out of 4-3, though, lol.
  11. Yeah, I forget the name, but I went with the bleeding weapon that only has 70 "HP" (or whatever the term is for its quality before breaking), but it cuts deep and was great for Black Phantoms. Might have to try bows some time. Those skeletons waiting for you at the end of those narrow bridges could use a good bow attack, and those flying enemies are likely way easier with a bow and thief ring.
  12. Never really tried that. Do you still have enough strength for, say, the enemies in World 4 that roll up to you and force you to melee?
  13. Gamecube was powerful and cheap, which still impresses me. Rogue Squadron and the RE Remake looked stellar at the time.
  14. Latino =/= Democrat since they're not a monolith, but even in Florida, they're majority Democratic. There are, however, many more Republican-voting Hispanic voters among Cubans in the state. If you got every single one of them to the polls in Georgia, you'd get Republicans out as well, but 70-30 will help Democrats no matter how you look at it. I hope it helps. I also wonder how the attacks on Warnock will resonate with black religious voters.
  15. I was driving some place the other day and realized there's a lot of things to do while you're waiting. There's nothing to do while you're driving.
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