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Guillotine Operator
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Everything posted by Jason

  1. So does the EU ever suggest that there was a pre-pre-Republic time period where they didn't really have tech yet, or is it basically just always "just there" in the EU?
  2. https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/new-york-ag-trump-organization-lawsuit/2020/08/24/882c03a8-e60e-11ea-bc79-834454439a44_story.html
  3. Yeah she should turn out fine considering she's not selling her soul for Trump, that has a way of visibly aging people.
  4. More than a dozen Trump administration officials, current and former, described a clandestine relationship between Jared Kushner and the CEO of a Kremlin sovereign wealth fund. No Collusion, No Obstruction. Totally clears the President. Thank you!
  5. Although I guess this is the sort of thing that can strain a marriage to the point that a divorce happens.
  6. I was aware of the previous stuff with their daughter but wasn't aware of the latest development with her suing for emancipation until @b_m_b_m_b_m mentioned it. Yeah, still would have gone with the same title but wouldn't have speculated about a divorce if I'd realized.
  7. She was talking to reporters, and George and Kellyanne were all "how dare sleazy reporters do this" except I think she was the one reaching out to the reporters. Also she has a LOT of scantily-clad TikTok videos which I'm guessing is what George and Kellyanne are actually upset about given that she's 15.
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