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Guillotine Operator
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Everything posted by Jason

  1. So you're simultaneously saying you had it but implying that it's fake?
  2. Hm who should I believe, a guy who apparently spends all day reading Qanon websites, or a science reporter with a PhD in microbiology and over two years of solid reporting on COVID? Quite the dilemma here. Omicron is trouncing the argument for “natural immunity” to COVID ARSTECHNICA.COM Bad news if you're unvaccinated and think you have strong protection after omicron.
  3. The government made COVID in cooperation with Moderna? Wade please just give me the all-clear and I'll do the honors myself.
  4. big evil intergalactic lord xenu energy Inside Will and Jada Pinkett Smith’s Scientology School for Kids WWW.THEDAILYBEAST.COM Former teachers and administrators at the Smiths’ shuttered New Village Leadership Academy reveal to The Daily Beast that despite their public denials, it was a Scientology school.
  5. I read the article and I'm kind of unclear on the point, it didn't have enough different people saying basically the same thing over and over again to get its point across. Seems like they need a comms NCO.
  6. I can name a few, but recognize a lot more than I can name. Very sus that @Kal-El814 claims to not recognize her at all, even if he doesn't know her name.
  7. It turns out the Catholics were wasting their time with all those centuries of keeping everything in Latin to keep laypeople from reading the Bible themselves, because lol nobody was gonna read that shit anyhow tldr.
  8. Which one of you does Convicted Felon Dinesh have a Twitter crush on again?
  9. As if there weren't enough reasons to stop doing the Oscars as a live ceremony.
  10. Gonna take a wild guess here that the staff who control the line are not paid anywhere remotely in proportion to how dangerous the thing they're in charge of controlling access to is.
  11. My man, I've never seen that specific scene but if you've logged onto any mainstream porn site in the last few years you've seen Lauren Phillips at some point.
  12. I've set my phone ahead to tomorrow so I can do 281 and man if you think 280 is rough... (To be clear I'm not done yet, but holy shit is this one a mindfuck so far.)
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