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Everything posted by Anathema-

  1. It only reduces inflation in the first four months if you voted for Biden, sorry
  2. Try this Simply Perfect Pancakes | King Arthur Baking WWW.KINGARTHURBAKING.COM Tender, fluffy, just slightly sweet and quick to put together.
  3. That's a terrible idea too. Legislating is easier and better among colleagues and term limits just skew that power toward lobbyists who have none of those rules. And before you go there lobbyists are not always bad but the only reason they're at all good is <drumroll> supplementing research that should be done directly by Congress but can't due to underfunding itself.
  4. Yeah I'm not down with tests. Gotta be very cautious about the tools you let the American government have because you never know when the fascists are going to be in charge of interpreting the laws and exercising discretion.
  5. Some cookies never taste right store bought; gingerbread, snickerdoodle, and wedding cookies aren't right unless you make them by hand.
  6. So apparently trump got on a plane to DC and didn't change out of his golf outfit. Nobody knows what's actually going on with this.
  7. I can only hope that the typical authoritarian failure pattern takes hold, where the knives turn inward. Better for that then anything else with nukes in play.
  8. It's the difference between learning a song and learning chords.
  9. Actually believe it or not if you're not already into cooking the best place to start is sauces. You can literally bake bland ass chicken breasts and mashed potatoes but you make a bomb-ass gravy (gravy is a sauce) then people will love it. Here's a good place to start. You can buy pre-marinated meat, chicken/beef/vegetable stock (whatever you like), and some kind of starch/carb like rice or potatoes. And flour if you don't have it, this is your key to flavortown. You probably have an instant pot. Cook the meat in that. If you don't just cook it to the instructions on the package. Like really don't kill yourself here just throw it in a pot with a little of the stock for a while and refill the stock when it gets low. Nothing crazy you just want the meat cooked with some liquid left over. Take the meat out and look at the goodness you have left in the pot. You want to get a spoonful of flour ready, maybe a tablespoon if you care to measure. Turn up the heat and wait for the liquid to start bubbling (your instant pot probably has a sear function to turn on the heat), then add the flour and whisk. After a minute you'll recognize the gravy. If it's too thick dribble some of the stock in and keep whisking until it looks right. Don't forget to make your rice or whatever, you should have started that already. Pour the gravy over everything and eat. Done. Congratulate yourself, you just made a sauce. Wait until you learn how to take those skills and make mac and cheese or sausage gravy.
  10. A country partly ruled by an aristocracy that pretends to have no agenda and is the self-appointed arbiter of truth? One that's not beholden to electoral politics and skews conservative? I mean, I think a lot of us are there. I think there's a reason that trump's attacks on the media were so well received.
  11. It's politics. Hilary Clinton said the same shit eight years ago, was no less correct, and got absolutely pilloried for it
  12. Keep in mind the biggest constituency that fits the profile here are small in numbers but disproportionately represented in media and as heads of industry.
  13. Funny you should say that as the cobra kai thread goes up. A show a will certainly watch, but with enough people watching and discussing the entire thing the first few days there's no way for me to engage with that even if I wait only a week to watch the whole thing. The thread falls away. Meanwhile the week to week threads bounce back up on top, get many more replies, and can wait a few days while I catch up on one hour of TV rather than eight. If the show is good the threads stick around for a couple weeks after they end. Plenty of time to binge and join in if that's what you want. Catching up if you miss a week or watching 3-4 episode chunks is also an option.
  14. Apparently starlink has the same base conceptual issues that all his other projects have and that's skipping right to possibilities and straight past practicalities. In order to make this project work it requires an unsustainable amount of rockets and space trash, even just to get out of the proof of concept stage it's in now.
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